What’s the big headline making the news last week?
“BIDEN: AMERICA WILL LEAD NEW WORLD ORDER.” In his speech, President Joe Biden declared, "Now is the time where things are shifting. There's going to be a new world order out there and we've got to lead it."
“Lead it?” Where?
Down the crapper!
America’s roads are rotted, bridges collapse, archaic subways and rail systems crumble, the middle class evaporates as 61 percent of Americans live paycheck to paycheck, people can’t afford to buy homes or afford to pay rent, etc., etc.
Q. And who is the “we’ve” that “got to lead it”? A. The Republican and Democratic crime syndicate... people like Joe Biden who's been sucking off the public tit for 50 years and championed the sending of our jobs overseas and making the billionaires richer and the Bigs bigger.
Yet, as the nation descends, there is always more money to enrich the military/industrial/intelligence complex with over $1 trillion per year dumped into their coffers.
Name the war that the D.C. Gang started since the end of WWII and assess the cost benefit analysis.
Here are a few:
● Korean War: Lost
● Vietnam War: Lost
● Afghanistan War: Lost
● Iraq War: Lost
● Syrian War: Ongoing Bloody Disaster
● Libyan War: Ongoing Bloody Disaster
● Yemen War: Worst Humanitarian Disaster on Earth
Therefore, with a stellar track record of monumental failures, why would anyone with a brain bigger than a pea believe or follow warped-brain politician’s war dictates... politicians who shoot off their fat mouths to start wars, but never shoot a rifle to fight the wars they start?
Biden Sanctions = Human and Economic Misery
The latest war-losing action taken by President Biden and Congress are sanctions they have imposed on Russia.
Besides being unConstitutional—as Judge Andrew Napolitano has detailed in last week’s “Celente & The Judge” podcast—they are inflicting serious damage on We the People of the World... and will do nothing to stop Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
Not only are oil prices and a string of commodity prices rapidly rising, the world is now facing food shortages.
As we reported last week, with significant percentages of the world’s corn, wheat, barley and fertilizers unable to be shipped out of Russia and Ukraine—and/or sanctioned—food and fertilizer prices have sharply spiked since the Ukraine War began: Wheat is up almost 22 percent, barley 32 percent and fertilizers jumped by 40 percent.
The two nations accounted for 75 percent of the world’s sunflower seed oil, 32 percent of the barley, 30 percent wheat and 17 percent of corn exports. And over the past year, barley prices rocketed up 82 percent, wheat prices spiked 69 percent and corn prices jumped 36 percent.
“Ukraine has only compounded a catastrophe on top of a catastrophe,” said David M. Beasley, executive director of the World Food Program. “There is no precedent even close to this since World War II.”
Beyond WWII, as we reported, the COVID War destroyed the lives and livelihoods of hundreds of millions of people. The imbecilic, non-scientific draconian lockdown mandates pushed hunger up 18 percent... from 720 million to 811 million people according to the UN.
And now with the Ukraine War raging, the United Nations said its implications on the global food market would push up an additional 13.1 million people into hunger.
“We’ll be taking food from the hungry to give to the starving,” Beasley said.
Indeed, as inflation spikes above wage increases, more people cannot afford to buy food. In the U.S. for example, with inflation hitting 40 year highs, grocery prices spiked up 8.6 percent in February compared to last year... and that was before the impact of the Ukraine War.
TREND FORECAST: Beyond America, across much of the world, food hunger will escalate and so too will social unrest and civil wars. As we had reported before the COVID War began two years ago, in the “New World Disorder,” riots and uprisings were exploding across the globe as millions of people were taking to the streets in protest of lack of basic living standards, government corruption, crime and violence. The protests were stopped when COVID came and citizens around the world were locked down and forbidden to demonstrate their discontent. But we forecast protests will dramatically increase in months and years to come. The higher inflation rises, the deeper people fall into economic decline and poverty... the higher the rate of insurrections. As Gerald Celente says, “When people lose everything, and have nothing left to lose, they lose it.”
Shock Hits Powell

In fact, so sharp are the upward spikes of food, fuel and commodities, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome “Inflation is Temporary/Transitory” Powell, screeched yesterday that “inflation is much too high.” Click here to read more in this week’s Trends Journal
Gerald did not know you had a substack page. Will be linking most of your articles in the future @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/