CELENTE: All That Glitters is Gold, Because the World is Going to Hell
We are on the brink of an economic and geopolitical Armageddon, the likes of which we have never witnessed in human history
NOTE TO READERS: The following article was in this week’s Trends Journal. Please consider subscribing here for the world’s top trend forecasts.
On 2 January, we had forecast that 2024 would be a Golden Year for Gold.
Why are gold prices spiking?
We are on the brink of an economic and geopolitical Armageddon, the likes of which we have never witnessed in human history… and the central banksters and those who see and feel the pain know it.
Again, a Golden Year for Gold was one of our TOP TRENDS FOR 2024, a forecast we made when the precious metal was selling at nearly $300 less than it is selling for today. Yet, our forecasts, then and now, are totally ignored by the mainstream media despite their receiving our Trend Forecasts and weekly updates.
Why do they ignore our long list of accurate trend forecasts, while also playing down the spike in gold prices?
Because the mainstream media is nothing more than a corrupt cabal of the 6 “BIGS” who own and control over 90 percent of the media and their hiring of little boys and girl Presstitutes who put out for the corporate pimps and government whore masters.
The Ukraine War, the Israel War, rising inflation, mass migration, massive government debt, the Office Building Bust and the reality of hundreds of banks going bust as defaults on commercial office buildings spike are barely reported. And when it is, never are there forecasts of the crisis that will occur as a result of the massive defaults.
And as we note in our ongoing reports of the “Bigs Keep Getting Bigger,” the world at large is run by Robber Barons 2.0 while the small businesses are pushed out of business.
Today, the National Federation of Independent Business Chief Economist Bill Dunkelberg said that “Small business optimism has reached the lowest level since 2012 as owners continue to manage numerous economic headwinds,” and that “Inflation has once again been reported as the top business problem on Main Street and the labor market has only eased slightly.”
Tomorrow, the consumer price index will be released and The Street is guessing overall inflation will increase 3.5 percent, which is up from 3.2 percent in February. Core inflation is expected to have cooled slightly to 3.7 percent, down from 3.8 percent in February.
The reality is that inflation is still high and it’s taking its toll on consumer spending as prices rise higher and more products are less affordable for the plantation workers of Slavelandia. Making a bad situation worse, yesterday the New York Fed survey showed that rent increases are expected to spike by 8.7 percent over the next year.
Feeling the economic pain ahead and the reality of the decline of life on earth, CNBC reported today that “Hedge funds are selling stocks at the fastest pace in three months and stepping up short bets.”
Need more proof of the dangers ahead?
MarketWatch.com reports that “Money-market fund assets rise to record, as ‘investors love cash’ even as stocks climb in 2024.”
And, of course, the massive layoffs that are occurring and the businesses going out of business, which we report on each week, are played down and/or ignored by the mainstream media. Instead they trumpet the high flying job creations, which as we detail in this and previous Trends Journals, are nothing more than low-paying crap jobs for the plantation workers of Slavelandia.
Need more proof?
Last Friday Redfin released its new poll that showed people are so broke that over one in five skip meals; 50 percent of homeowners and renters are having trouble making their mortgage and/or rental payments; 21 percent are selling belongings because they need cash and 37 percent of the plantation workers of Slavelandia are working extra hours or taking on additional jobs.
Indeed, Happy Days are not here again. No time for fun as some 35 percent of those polled said that in order to keep up with their housing payments, they were taking fewer vacations, or not taking any vacations at all.
Redfin’s Chen Zhao said their poll found that “Housing has become so financially burdensome in America that some families can no longer afford other essentials, including food and medical care, and have been forced to make major sacrifices, work overtime and ask others for money so they can cover their monthly costs.”
Their research also found that the average U.S. yearly income is about $30,000 short of what is needed to afford a median-priced home, nearly 18 percent had to borrow money from friends and family or took money out of their retirement savings and 16 percent were so broke that they had to delay or skip needed medical care.
And as we had reported, young Americans are so broke that they are giving up their apartments and moving back home to live with Mommy and Daddy. Indeed, a Harris/Bloomberg poll found that 45 percent of 18- to 29-year-olds are living with their parents or other relatives, the highest level since the 1940s when the Great Depression was still hitting the economy hard… and then World War II.
TREND FORECAST: As we have forecast, the bad times are going to get much worse. While we do not provide financial advice, we remain very bullish on gold prices which may well spike above $3,000 per ounce this year… and Bitcoin which we forecast will also skyrocket higher.
And on an OnTrendpreneur® high note, society is looking for uplifting sounds and styles, and those companies that understand the trend will reap rich financial rewards by providing sounds and styles that will uplift the spirit of the downtrodden society… both young and old.