Daddy’s Boy Bush Correctly Calls Iraq Invasion ‘Unjustified'
Bush finally made some sense…at least for a moment
Note to readers: The new Trends Journal was released yesterday and was packed with the latest trends in the Ukraine War and economy that you need to know. Please consider subscribing here.
George H. W. Bush once visited Idaho with President Ronald Reagan to talk about agricultural policy and made a gaffe when he said, “We’ve had triumphs. Made some mistakes. We’ve had some sex... uh... setbacks.”
So it must run in the family.
George W. Bush, who, after destroying Iraq spends his days painting and getting his family key roles in the corporate news media, addressed an event in Dallas on Wednesday and took aim at Russian President Vladimir Putin and the Russian government as a whole. (It should be noted that earlier this month he took to Twitter to call the clown in Ukraine, President Volodymyr Zelensky, “the Winston Churchill of our time.”)
Bush told the audience that there are no checks and balances in Russia and, which means one man can “launch a wholly unjustified and brutal invasion of Iraq.” He corrected himself and said, “I mean, of Ukraine.”
Bush seemed to try and move on and said, under his breath, "Iraq, too."
"Anyway, 75," Bush said, in a reference to his age.

Of course, Bush was president when he directed invasion of Iraq in 2003 based on bogus evidence that Saddam Hussain was hiding weapons of mass destruction.
In February 2003, one month before the invasion of Iraq, Gerald Celente, the publisher of the Trends Journal, said in a Trend Alert to subscribers: "While victory on the battlefield may be swift, considering the massive military power of the US, the war against Iraq will eventually be lost… They will not let the U.S., or any western sympathizer, run their country. So, while it may appear that victory is at hand, the battle will have just begun and the war won't stop at the Iraqi borders.”
A year later (May 2004), in a special edition of the Trends Journal dedicated to Iraq, Celente observed that, “Iraq never was, and most likely never will be, a Western model democracy.” He called out every pertinent lie, deception and misrepresentation of fact that political leaders delivered, and too many in the media bought into, that twisted the real facts behind the roots of turmoil in Iraq into a fantasy that, he predicted, would make “terrorism” the new “Communism.”
For his prescience, Celente became persona non grata for the mainstream media, no longer welcome on TV programs where he had long been a regular. “The press was complicit with government aims,” said Celente. “They were getting pressure from the top, from their corporate owners, and they folded.”
A study by FAIR (Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting) bears Celente out. The study found that in the three weeks after the start of the invasion, the ratio of pro-war US TV guests to anti-war guests was 25 to 1 and that 68 percent of the pro-war guests were current or former government officials.
Those same pressures on the media are being applied today with the invasion of Ukraine. Media companies refuse to acknowledge that Putin called NATO’s expansion east a threat to Russia. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, a former partner at Pine Island Capital, brushed those concerns aside, according to reports.
TRENDPOST: Remember the Iraq War, launched by George W. Bush and his criminal gang who sold Americans the lie that the nation was in danger of a devastating military attack from Iraq because its leader, Saddam Hussein, had weapons of mass destruction?
Do you remember the hundreds of thousands of innocent people the U.S. military and its mercenaries killed in Iraq, how they destroyed the nation and how it cost the American taxpayers over $2 trillion?
Do you remember when George, “Daddy’s Boy” Bush landed on USS Abraham Lincoln on 1 May 2003, to blurt out his “Mission Accomplished,” bullshit speech that the U.S. won the Iraq War?
The U.S.’s military engagements in the Middle East continue to plague the region with millions of landmines buried in neighborhoods throughout Iraq that threaten any Iraqi looking to return home.