GIRALDI: War Against the Palestinians Must Go On
Both major political parties connive at Israel’s genocide in Gaza

The sucking up to Israel and its backers by the political class in America never seems to go away. Indeed, it if anything increases during the lead-up to national elections. In the latest manifestation of Judeophilia, Rudy Giuliani, self-described as “America’s Mayor,” has now informed us that:
“They [the Israelis] are our best friends. I worked for Ronald Reagan for eight years and Ronald Reagan said that we have to always be there for Israel because Israel is always there for us! Hamas is not there for us, the Iranians are not there for us, they want to kill us and the Palestinians are taught to kill us at two years old! They won’t let a Palestinian in Jordan. They won’t let a Palestinian in Egypt. And [Kamala] Harris wants to bring them to you! They may have good people, I don’t care, but I won’t take a risk with people that are taught to kill Americans at two! I’m on the side of Israel! You’re on the side of Israel! Donald Trump is on the side of Israel! And they [the Democrats] are on the side of the terrorists.”
Giuliani said all that and more at a Donald Trump election rally in New York’s Madison Square Garden, where he was breathing fire in a speech [at minute 17:27] that one media outlet described as “unhinged” to rouse the overflow crowd to hate Israel’s enemies, which apparently includes the Democratic Party if they should regain the presidency.
I would not want to disagree with a man of Giuliani’s psycho-phantasmagoric stature about facts, but I do not recall when the United States was actually threatened by Israel’s enemies to include Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran or a place we once called Palestine, but then again, I am getting older and my memory might be failing.
Nor can I recall anything at all that Israel has done for what was once my country apart from take huge bundles of our tax money equivalent to one-quarter of a trillion dollars while also corrupting our politicians and undermining both our rule of law and our Bill of Rights, but, then again, blame it on my memory since I cannot imagine a warm and friendly chap like Benjamin Netanyahu doing anything nasty or naughty.
In trying to score political points, Giuliani does not seem to get that the adoration of the Jewish state is a bipartisan thing, that the U.S. government, no matter who wins elections, will continue to supply the Israelis with money and weapons to expel or kill as many of its neighbors as possible. The carnage will create a new metaphoric “land without people” empty space between the Euphrates and Nile Rivers that will become a great nursery for establishing and populating the Eretz or “Greater Israel” Chosen by Yahweh to rule the Middle East.
One good thing about Giuliani and his master Donald Trump is that they do not even pretend to want to help Palestinians and other “lesser breeds without the law” to resist the occupation and eradication by their Jewish masters. Trump would like to have the job of extermination finished so Israel’s public relations image would not be further damaged. Kamala, on the other hand, would keep handing out weapons and money while piously calling for a cease fire, an objective that is routinely rejected by a stern Netanyahu.
How the Biden-Harris rule of foreign relations vis-à-vis the Middle East operates is to pretend one thing while doing something else. It has been reported that Biden’s peace negotiators Amos Hochstein, an Israeli who served in the IDF, and Brett McGurk, who were ostensibly working to help avoid expansion of the Gaza crisis into Lebanon, were doing quite the opposite. They have been working “behind the scenes” to encourage Israel, and they are now describing Israel’s Lebanon operations that have included a major land invasion as a “history-defining moment”—one that will “reshape the Middle East for the better for years to come.”
And there’s more. The U.S. Ambassador to Lebanon one Lisa Johnson has been meeting with the various parties and groups that make up the Lebanese government and its social and religious mix with a proposal that it organize to prepare the country for a “post-Hezbollah era” by mobilizing “internal” forces to eliminate the Islamic resistance movement while it is engaged in fighting the Israeli Army. Johnson, a Joe Biden appointee to her post, certainly reflects White House and State Department thinking on the Middle East. She reportedly told Lebanese politicians, “Israel cannot achieve everything through war; it’s time for you to do your part and launch an internal uprising under the banner of ‘Enough.’ The Lebanese people must show their desire to rise-up and get rid of Hezbollah.”
Johnson challenged the politicians, “Why do you seem afraid? Hezbollah has been defeated, its leadership is destroyed, and we are with you, and the entire free world stands by your side… We do not only want to limit Hezbollah’s influence, but we will strike its support lines, and we are working non-stop to bring down the regime in Iran as well.”
Someone should remind Ms. Johnson as well as McGurk and Hochstein that we are not legally at war with Lebanon, nor with Iran, and nor even with the Palestinians whose genocide we are enabling. The reality is that Gaza and Lebanon are America’s war in the sense that Israel’s onslaught against its neighbors would not be either possible or sustainable without Washington picking up the costs and supplying the weapons.
A recently released report by the Israeli news outlet Calcalist reviewed Israeli military spending on wars since fighting began on October 7th. It determined that Washington has over the past year funded directly 70 percent of Tel Aviv’s total military costs. That has amounted to more than $20 billion in military aid, a figure close to the $22.57 billion estimated by several U.S. sources including Brown University’s highly respected Cost of War Project which has likewise looked at the numbers. And, one assumes there are also substantial hidden expenses consisting of armaments shipped directly from U.S. arsenals without any accounting procedure as well as money concealed in other projects.
As a bottom line, one has to conclude without direct U.S. support, Netanyahu’s war would simply be unaffordable for the Jewish state. Calcalist concludes that “Therefore, it is doubtful whether this war would have been conducted as it is—neither in intensity nor in scope—without the American assistance.” So in a very real sense it is and has been America’s war while the secret objective by the U.S. government to destroy Hezbollah as well as Hamas and even overthrow the regime in Iran indicates clearly that Netanyahu’s hegemonical and genocidal plan to make Israel the supreme power in the Middle East is shared by many in Washington.
Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a 501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation (Federal ID Number #52-1739023) that seeks a more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Website is, address is P.O. Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and its email is
The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author[s] and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Trends Journal.
Mr. Giraldi. Your memory is indeed short.
• Do you recall not long ago Iran proclaiming, “death to America?”
• Do you recall Iranian proxies Instigate terrorism and operate in countries surrounding Israel?
• Do you recall Hamas’ charter is based on genocide of the Jewish people and the state of Israel?
• Do you recall Hezbollah’s founding documents similarly advocate genocide of Jews?
• Do you recall that Hamas started this war by mascaraing > 1200 people?
• Do you recall Hezbollah/Hamas have been instigating violence against Jews and Israel for decades?
Hezbollah and Hamas need to be eradicated. It would be a good thing too if the Islamic regime in Iran were eliminated as well.
Consider this: if Israel had no weapons, it's enemies would immediately attack and destroy Israel. On the other hand, If Gaza and Lebanon had no weapons, there would be peace.
The Jewish controllers of the uniparty clearly want to push the image of Iranian assassins and subversives attacking the US and Americans and attempting to murder Trump, which is even a plausible idea if you take into account that these entities continuously push for defending Israel no matter what it is or what it does, and actively injuring Iran. So this fight has been staged for a long time by the usual suspects. They have already been building this story for months now and are repeatedly injecting reinforcements of this narrative into the consciousness of the rather suggestible audience they want to persuade, the same Americans they want to fleece and abuse.
As I have said elsewhere, it boils down to this:
"People should be combatting vastly disproportionate Jewish influence on their government and culture and economy, an influence which often condones the hatred of Whites and the vile stereotyping and identity reduction of Blacks and Latinos, which often pursues policies and actions which are not only against America's interests, but also the fundamental nature of American identity, such as open borders, striking down freedom of speech (even if you or someone doesn't like it) and the right to bear arms (arms, not hunting tools), and pushing these agendas with scores of NGOs and corporations that are aligned with the purposes of blatantly Jewish subversion of American identity, security, interests, and sovereignty. Yet all they want to do is pit Americans into wars with nations that Israel and its lobbies and supporters want to war with, and stoke the disintegration of American will and power from within by creating problems with one party that the other party will only pretend to solve, while both are controlled, lock, stock, and barrel, by the very same Jewish people and groups."