NEW ISSUE ALERT: Death of the Dollar, in God We Don't Trust
The U.S. jobs report released today illustrates the weakening economy
The U.S. dollar is on its death bed.
Much of the world has grown tired of U.S. geopolitical and economic hegemony as we greatly detail in this and previous Trends Journal. And with the global tides changing, the U.S. is now being pushed to the sidelines.
On the market front, the U.S. jobs report released today illustrates the weakening economy.
The only reason the dollar is strong is because they are raising interest rates and now the interest rate parade is coming to a halt. And when they start cutting interest rates, the dollar will be buried, and gold prices will soar.
Finland formally joined NATO today and the move was praised by Washington. But now with more NATO countries on their border, Russia has warned of countermeasures.
This week’s Trends Journal features a number of important Trends Spotlights that are shaping the future. We are doing the best we can to give you the best we can during these perilous times.
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Publisher's Note: In celebration of the Easter Holiday, The Trends Journal will not be published next Tuesday, April 11. We will resume publication on April 18, but we will provide Trend Alerts should there be important events that require trends analysis and trends forecasts that you need to know.
Gerald Celente and The Trends Journal Team