NEW ISSUE ALERT: Politics is the New Religion
Welcome to this week’s Trends Journal: "POLITICS IS THE NEW RELIGION"
Politicians are our saviors, journalists are their disciples, follow their message or receive eternal damnation. And if you don’t believe in my political God you should go to Hell!
As we enter the holy holiday season, it is worth noting the seismic change in the public’s relationship with politicians… the masses bow down to them and call them their leaders.
The former sitcom actor who played the role of president of Ukraine and played the piano with his penis and is now officially Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelensky, sits at the head of this table.
And the most holiest of his followers including all those who hang Ukrainian flags in front of their houses and shops genuflect at the Altar of Zelensky. Actors, comedians and politicians from around the world have gone to Ukraine to bow down to him. “You’re my hero” blurted out the American comedian Ben Stiller when he met Zelensky.
As Anthony Freda’s brilliant cover illustrates, the U.S. has its own list of politicians with a religious following. However, they are just false idols that the Bible has warned us about.

As Karl Marx famously wrote, religion is “the opiate of the masses.” And in today’s world, the religious belief in politicians is a deadly drug.
Freedom of Thought is the most fundamental and important gift of all. We are political atheists. We give you the Truth in Trends. Amen… and A Women.
Gerald Celente and The Trends Journal Team