Russia's Lavrov Repeats What We've Been Saying for Months: U.S. is Participant in War
The Trends Journal has warned that the U.S. and NATO have been parties to the conflict by providing Ukraine with intel, weapons, and training

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Russia’s top diplomat said Thursday what The Trends Journal has been saying for months: that the U.S. and NATO are parties to the Ukraine War by providing intelligence, weapons, and training to keep the war going in hopes Moscow emerges a weaker country.
Sergey Lavrov, Russia’s foreign minister, told reporters in a video call that it was inaccurate to say that the U.S. and NATO are not “taking part in this war.”
“You are directly participating in it,” he said, according to The Associated Press. “And not just by providing weapons but also by training personnel. You are training their military on your territory, on the territories of Britain, Germany, Italy and other countries.”
The U.S. and NATO allies have been pumping Ukraine’s military with an historic amount of artillery. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, a former Raytheon board member, told reporters early in the war that it is his hope “to see Russia weakened to the degree that it can’t do the kinds of things that it has done in invading Ukraine.”
In September, Dmitry Medvedev, deputy chairman of the Russian Security Council and the former Russian president, has been critical of NATO’s nearly unlimited support for Ukraine’s war effort. He said it is inevitable that the “military campaign” in Ukraine will move to another level if the support continues.
Medvedev took to Telegram and said eventually "everything will catch fire."
He said the West is intent on weakening Russia by proxy and won’t be able to sit it out.
Sergei Ryabkov, Russia’s deputy foreign minister, told state television that Moscow has “repeatedly warned the U.S. about the consequences that may follow if the U.S. continues to flood Ukraine with weapons,” The Associated Press reported in September.
Lavrov told reporters that Russia is targeting these locations to slow the stream of Western weapons into Ukraine.
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“The infrastructure that is targeted by those attacks is used to ensure the combat potential of the Ukrainian armed forces and the nationalist battalions,” he said.
TRENDPOST: The Trends Journal has reported extensively on how the U.S. is at war with Russia, but it will not be officially declared until a nuclear explosion. (See “U.S. AT WAR WITH RUSSIA: SPECIAL FORCES ARE ON THE GROUND IN UKRAINE” and “U.S. DISREGARDS RUSSIA’S WARNING…AGAIN, SAYS UKRAINE CAN TARGET TERRITORY SEIZED BY RUSSIAN FORCES.”)
We reported last month that there are currently more U.S. special forces and CIA agents in Ukraine today than there were at the beginning of the war.
The Intercept, citing “several current and former intelligence officials,” reported that President Joe Biden has decided to have these forces conduct clandestine operations inside the country, which is counter to what he had said at the beginning of the war that U.S. troops would not be positioned on the ground in Ukraine because their presence would mean WWIII.
PUBLISHER’S NOTE: The Cold War between the U.S. and Russia, which began in 1947, ended in 1991. But rather than seeking Peace on Earth and keeping relationships respectful, most of America’s politicians and all of the military-industrial complex—and their western counterparts (i.e., “allies”)—have not stopped waging the Cold War.
As we have been reporting since the end of the Cold War—from America’s Gulf War, Kosovo War, Afghan War, Iraq War… to its military interventions in Somalia, Libya, etc., plus its 800 military bases in 70 countries—Russia is a minor war-mongering nation compared to the U.S. track record of killing millions and stealing trillions from its taxpayers to wage these wars.
And, as we have reported in detail since the so-called “Russiagate” was launched by the Democratic Party and its media Presstitutes immediately following Trump’s win of the 2016 election, there has not been one shred of hard evidence proving Russia interfered with the election.
Yet, the drama continues, and most people buy it, just as most have swallowed other lies sold to them by their governments over the centuries. “Remember the Main”?