'TYRANTS WILL GET HUNGRY': Victoria 'Fuck the EU' Nuland Tries New Strategy to Sell Ukraine War
Washington's Wulfowitz-era neocon tests new strategy to sell war to Americans

Victoria “Fuck the EU” Nuland, the State Department’s #2 most important person, last week tried a new approach to sell the Ukraine War to Americans by stating that Ukraine just needs a little more money to win, and if Russian President Vladimir Putin wins, other tyrants will look to invade other countries. (We’re assuming she didn’t mean her favorite tyrant: Benjamin Netanyahu.)
“If we don't stand with Ukraine, if Putin wins here, then dictators and tyrants all over the world will take note and will get hungry with their own territorial aspirations,” she told PBS’s “News Hour.”
She talked about the brave Ukrainian troops on the battlefield with only 20 bullets left to shoot.
“And this is why the administration is pushing so hard for this additional $60 billion to support Ukraine, because the Ukrainians need it if they're going to continue to defend the line and push back the Russians,” she said.
(The “line” is U.S. propaganda that Putin will target Poland or Lithuania next if he succeeds in Ukraine.)
She continued: “With this money, we actually think that they can make some serious gains in 2024, particularly by enhancing some of the asymmetric techniques that they have been using. But we need to support them, just as the Europeans have just given them an additional $54 billion.
Nuland, the top State Department official and member of the neocon cabal in the Biden administration, has said the West needs to be prepared for a long conflict in Ukraine because if Putin wins, it “will mean that evil will become something acceptable to the world.”
We reported in July that Nuland got a promotion inside the State Department and is now the acting second-in-command.
Responsible Statecraft, which first reported on the new gig, noted that Nuland’s appointment will be a “boon for Russia hawks who want to turn up the heat on the Kremlin. But, for those who favor a negotiated end to the conflict in Ukraine, a promotion for the notoriously “undiplomatic diplomat” will be a bitter pill.”
Nuland is playing a key role in the U.S.’s response to the current crisis in Ukraine despite a controversial history that included orchestrating the overthrow of a democratically elected president in Ukraine that led to a civil war.
Salon ran a profile on Nuland last year that expressed dismay over her appointment to such an important position in the State Department. The article was titled “WHO IS VICTORIA NULAND? A REALLY BAD IDEA AS A KEY PLAYER IN BIDEN’S FOREIGN POLICY TEAM.”
The magazine said Nuland is “stuck in the quicksand of 1950s U.S.-Russia Cold War politics and dreams of continued NATO expansion, an arms race on steroids, and further encirclement of Russia.”
Foreign Policy wrote in 2015 that Nuland is so popular in Washington because “many Europeans, and certainly Moscow” hate her.
In Europe, Nuland is widely presumed to be the leading advocate for shipping weapons to Kiev — a proposal bitterly opposed by the Germans, Hungarians, Italians, and Greeks who fear setting off a wider conflict with Moscow.
The Trends Journal pointed to a troubling phone call that reportedly included Nuland, who was Obama’s assistant secretary of state for European Affairs, and Geoffrey Pyatt, the U.S. ambassador for Ukraine.
We wrote:
In early February 2014, a recording was leaked of Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs, Victoria Nuland, telling Geoffrey Pyatt, the US Ambassador to Ukraine, that the UN was on board to “help glue” the plan to replace Ukrainian President Victor Yanukovych with Arxeniy Yatsenyuk. “Yats is the guy,” Nuland informed Pyatt who urged her to move quickly because “the Russians will be working behind the scenes to torpedo” the deal.
“F#&* the EU!” Nuland told Payatt. “Exactly,” he responded.
Shortly thereafter, Yanukovych was overthrown and “Yats” became president. Ukraine agreed to Nuland’s demands to make “a new deal with the IMF,” which was “necessary for the long term economic health of the country.” Yet, the new Western-leaning Kiev government did not represent the Russian-speaking Ukrainians in the east and south who had voted Yanukovych into office.
One year later, Ukraine is racked by civil war and is in depression. The US and EU blame Russia for the destabilization because of its support of Ukrainian separatists. And as punishment, the US pushed the EU to impose trade sanctions against Russia. Russia retaliated with trade sanctions against Europe.
Nuland’s call went viral at the time and the U.S. blamed Russians for tapping the line and Nuland kept her job despite criticism from world leaders like former German Chancellor Angela Merkle.
Neo-con Con-artists
Nuland and her neocon husband, Robert Kagan, were said to have fallen in love on one of their first dates while talking about “democracy and the role of America in the world,” the Brooking’s Institute reported.