Sacrificing Israel on the Altar of Globalism

Just like his alter ego Adolf Hitler before him.


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Any nuclear offensive on Israel's part against Iran or its proxies carries the threat of global thermonuclear war! It is doubtful Israel will use nuclear weapons without US giving them the go ahead. Russia knows that. So does China. Both have close relations with Iran while Russia has signed security agreements with them that should give the US pause. Allowing Israel to resort to nuclear weapons against Iran and/or Lebanon, would mean the US had decided to confront nuclear powers Russia and China in a nuclear showdown. Israel is the most belligerent nation in all the conflicts between Israel and her Arab neighbors. But when it looked like peace was about to break out in the region after Rabin and Arafat signed the 1993 Oslo Accords, Jewish fanatics led by Netanyahu opposed the agreement. The Jewish Rabbinical was up in arms, literally. One particular Rabbi issued a Fatwa (kill order) against Prime Minister Rabin. The former Israeli General was assassinated in 1995 by a Jewish extremist. Today Israel is in the grips of a criminal gang of Zionists who cannot survive without backing from the US. And US politicians cannot survive reelection without funding from the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. And everybody knows it. Why else would the US jeopardize its standing with practically every other nation in the region unless it was prepared to go to war with Iran for Israel's sake? To prove the point Lloyd Austin ordered Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower and Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyers USS Laboon and the USS Gravely, to steam into formation with the Italian aircraft carrier ITS Cavour, the Carlo Bergamini-class frigate ITS Alpino, and the Horizon-class frigate FS Forbin in the Red Sea. If intimidating Iran into backing off retaliating against Israel is the purpose for sending a (NATO) Flotilla into the region, the US may have succeeded. Or is US/NATO forces there to back up Israel should it invade Lebanon?

But Iran so far has taken Russia's advice to do nothing but wait for Russian mediation. How long Iran will wait is anybody's guess. Yet if Iran seeks revenge against Israel for killing Hamas leader Haniyeh, what if anything can Iran do that they didn't do already that would make a difference? Iranians would die by the boatloads at the hands of the US. But the question everyone needs answering is, what would the Russians and Chinese do?

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