God damn. We can only hope the military refuses their orders.

Surely they understand what the implications of following such orders are...

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The same could be said about Benjamin Netanyahu and Netanyahu's War on Gaza. It has been all about Netanyahu's political survival from the beginning.

One a ceasefire happens, Netanyahu faces ouster and a jail term. In fact, it almost happened last summer when Israelis were protesting Bibi's "judiciary Reforms"; many calling for his head.

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According to The Russel Brand video Titled Zelensky Will Be Gone in 60 Days it might not come to that. Though one wonders if monetary system will last as long in U.S.A as McGregor made point about financial situation in U.S also said did not see Europe going Communist despite financial situation in both Europe and U.S.A.

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If we know that... and we know that... Benjamin Satanyahoo Israel and Pedo Joe... demented little Hitlers threaten the world with Nuclear war.

Then we have the right and duty to go and burn their houses to the Ground...

Don't feed the Politicians.


There is no need for this Bullshit nobody wants it and nobody needs it.

The Victims are we... not the ones playing the victim card blame game.

Humanity is the victim... you and I.

We are also at fault because we believed the Liars... we as a society that is.

As a German I have to say this:

This is exactly how the Nazis came to power... by subversion and lies.

First they came for the Unvaxxed...

I did speak up.

Then they came for the Climate deniers.

I did speak up.

Then they came for the Russians.

I did speak up.

Then they came for the Palestinians.

I did speak up.

Tomorrow they come for the world and everyone in it.

And I will stand up and speak out.

Never again.

Humanity is on the crossroads we have a choice.

We all must rise as one.


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