As long as she doesn't "blow the job"... I think you are right. But in the long run does it matter? The Zionist billionaire money control over the USA will not change. Nobody is going to end the Federal Reserve, stop massive replacement workers coming in, hold anybody accountable for the bio weapon/death shot, stop the 24/7 surveillance state, or reduce the massive military budget.

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I read this with an open mind Gerald bc honestly I couldn’t believe the headline! Not even the Ds like Kamala. She was placed in the VP role at the insistence of Obama. She has her role to play. My guess is that she will secure the delegates and then pass the baton off to some other character. Maybe Michelle O. Maybe HRC. Or maybe even Barack will legally change his name and/or gender and run again. Think that sounds foolish? Not if the Ds get to stack the Supreme Court and they decide he is a new entity. I have recently heard that Alito and Thomas are being targeted for removal. Is it so far fetched that they would offer Kamala one of those seats and she could graciously step aside from the race to accept? Kamala is our alleged border czar and look what a cluster she has made of that! She has never even visited the border! Bad, bad news.

Meanwhile, DJT was just the victim of an attempted assassination and he really is beloved by the majority of the citizens. All the Ds need is the math to work on their phony ballot scams. Do they have anyone well liked enough to pull off this hat trick? Time will tell, but I think the playbook is already known.

And yes, “it’s the economy stupid”, but how much damage can be undone in 90 days? They are running out of time and a lot of wildcards are headed our way, including war which if nuclear would be disastrous. Praying that you’re wrong on this one. Glad you’re not making the prediction official!

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Only way that idiot wins is thru fraud.

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Harris may have big money donors backing her. She may have a majority of Democrats who will vote for her. She may have all the mainstream media supporting her. But, there is one thing she doesn't have. She doesn't have mainstream, middle-of-the-road policies Americans will vote for. Harris's ideology is so radical, so indefensible, she makes Mao Tse Dung look conservative! She is attached at the hip to Biden's policies and poor performance. She will have to rely on MSM scrubbing her past in order to win? Corporate media's Propaganda machine is busy as hell scrubbing Kamala's Border Czar assignment Biden dumped on her. If Trump is on his game, he will repeat Tulsi Gabbard's comments aimed at Harris during the 2020 Democratic Presidential debates.

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