For reasons I stated here in the comment section, the FED did not cut US interest rates. The Fed is damned it does and damned if it doesn't. And once again for all those economic guru's and pundits who think they have a handle on this situation, I refer you to Lyndon LaRouche's writings on the subject of economic science which can be found at larouchepub.com

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There is only one thing wrong with reports from Wall Street insiders who believe bank rates will be lowered by central banks in a period of anticipated hyperinflation, they’re no damn good! The trans-Atlantic monetary and related financial systems are precariously on the edge of the greatest collapse in modern history. The financial swindle that has lasted almost 6 decades is about to end. And its death will come in a seismic disintegration of the 2 quadrillions derivatives bubble that is ready to implode at any moment. On what day it will occur, nobody knows. But it will happen. And it will unravel not unlike the 1923 hyperinflationary collapse of the Reichsmark of the Weimar Republic of that time. It’s coming and it’s coming on fast. But there are just two things that can prevent it. Nuclear war or reinstating the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933. LaRouche’s Four Laws are significant in potentially cataclysmic period the West has entered. The only out is the orderly implementation of the Four Laws of Lyndon H LaRouche. Nothing, I repeat, nothing else will work! In order to get this nation and the other nations of the trans-Atlantic region out from under the death throes of the British dominated IMF, Central Banking system, LaRouches emergency measures must be acted on NOW!! Before the rules-based order’s protection racket in NATO ignites WWIII.

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