When I lived in China I worked for a Mossad Agent that did just that... bringing USA business to China.

With it the knowledge base of Manufacturing.

By deliberation of the same Jews who buy the Media...

The same Jewish Propaganda Media who wants to push us into WW3.

The same Jews who are behind Immigration.

The same Jews who are behind Dominion voting machines.

The same jews who are behind Epstein Bill Gates and Elon Musk.

The same Jews who own Congress.

I have a solution...

Stop what you doing... and Citizen House arrest all Politicians.

Upon the day all Traitors are hanged... no Politician has the right to circumvent the the law.

Lawmakers? My Arse.

I trust a Politician only as far as I can shoot them...


Citizen Uprising: Lock Down all Politicians

Citizen House Arrest all Politicians on presumption of Treason and Corruption



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what needs to be done is what germany did before ww2. and what over 100 countries did before that. expel the cause of the problem. the joos.

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You are advocating the same thing they would like to do but can't because of US laws and the danger of igniting a popular revolt against them. Wouldn't you rather organize a bloodless coup against the occupiers who have hijacked our nation? Those who are using our government to achieve their own aims of ruling the world as a hegemon without peers in a "my-rules-based new world order." They are not many in number and they believe that if they eliminate Russia and China there will be no other force on the planet that can compete with them at any level. What's missing here in the US is a mass movement of millions of citizens armed with alternative solutions to the current disaster in the WH and his administration's government policies. Imperialist policies that are being forced down the thoats of every American. We have all had enough but there is a bloodless way to win the political war against the fascist occupiers.

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Wouldn't you rather organize a bloodless coup against the occupiers who have hijacked our nation?... YES... that is what I advocate...

A Revolution of Ideas


Energy from water


End of Aviation and Oil


Hypersonic Zero Emission Transportation



And space travel faster than the speed of light


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blame the over drugged populace that have lost all ability to think rationally. add in the daily propaganda and you have a passive populace that accept the govt BS.

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When are we going to demand Fauci and even Trump and all those scum in government that called for lockdown to be held accountable for it? At no time in US history did government shut the country completely down for a bug! The 1918 swine flu killed 30 million, yet the government didn't force business to shut down. The contrarians argue that by not shutting down the country 30 million died. On the contrary. Shutting down the country would have caused even more deaths. Like any organism, the flu bug seeks the path of least resistance. Those are the people that seek to be protected from the contagion. Not the whole country!! By treating the sick, while separating them from the healthy, medical staff can trace who they have been in touch with and head-off the spread of the disease. Prophylactics were not used against Covid. Why? No profit in it. That's why medical czar Fauci ruled against it. He and Peter Daszak had this all planned out. Daszak even was brazenn enough to lay it out in an interview with a medical magazine in 2017, how they were going to do what they did. Spread a disease. Gin up the fear through "everyone is dying" news reports. And wait for the people to demand a vaccine. That's when the money men will see profit, and voila, they all get rich at the expense of millions who died or became ill.

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