❝. . . the entire establishment in the Western world is attacking Russia in unison. The propaganda machine is in full swing in an effort to make the whole world hate Putin and take Ukraine’s side in the war. The same propaganda machine that wants nothing more than you as a White person to stop having children and instead focus on your career, race-mix or become homosexual. What this establishment wants you to think is often a very good indicator of what you should absolutely not think, and by this measure, Russia appears to be the side to support 100%.

From a global geopolitical perspective, if we theorize from the unlikely idea that this conflict will lead to a third world war, then all pro-Zionist liberal monster-nations like Great Britain, France, Germany, the United States and, of course, Israel itself would side with Ukraine, while more traditional and sovereign anti-Zionist forces would likely stand behind Russia. Mark my words when I say that the Nordic Resistance Movement will NEVER stand on the same side as Israel or the Zionist entity that the USA represents today – whatever the issue or conflict may be!

If we look at the situation from a revolutionary point of view, it is also natural to support Russia. By challenging the USA and the Western world, one acts against the status quo – the present situation that must be destroyed in order for any true changes to take place, and for us National Socialists to be able to make real progress. The more the current ruling powers are challenged, and the harder the world economy is combated, the greater the chance for widespread disruption, which is a necessity for the Nordic revolution to become fact. Please note that I do not mean the coming changes will necessarily be better for us; however, in the dramatic situation in which we find ourselves, we must see hope in every potential radical change that arises within the global environment.❞


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About a year ago I wrote this:

After this year 2023 there will be no turning back, we will have a civil war against the Globalists as I predicted which control the Government Forces and there will be WW3 breaking out in the Middle East courtesy of Israel who will blame it on Iran but it will be Israeli forced dressed as Iranians who will do the deed.

It's a natural double con, same as it ever was.


Now I am writing an update...

This is a Holy War... the war they want... a war to destroy all of Humanity.

A war where the Freaks and Fanatics lead the gullible into mutual self destruction.

A war by deception for the Truth is simple:

Humans are Great beautiful creatures with Infinite Potential.

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“Oh how fond they are of the book of Esther, which is so beautifully attuned to their bloodthirsty, vengeful, murderous yearning and hope.” — Martin Luther


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After 75 years it is obvious Israel will never be tolerated by the people closest to them in the region. The Yom Kippur war was 50 years ago. I have never read any report about improving relations. I have read about bombings, intifadas, attacks.

According to statistics, about 7,5 million Jewish people are living in Israel. Additionally another One Million probably will feel more relationship with them than with others in the country.

Once Jewish people lived and thrived in Europe. It gave us great thinkers: Marx, Freud, Einstein. The list of Jewish scientists once working in Europe is long, let's keep it short with just mentioning Lise Meitner and Rosalind Franklin. About 6-7 Million Jewish people could come back. They would enrich Europe once again, in every regard, like they did before. We (other) Europeans will have to prove to them we learned from experience and have to be vigilant constantly for any signs of anti-semitism (and racism). About 1-2 Million people could go to the U.S., where already many Jewish communities exist. Some 500,000 Jewish people could immigrate to Canada.

That way Hamas, Hezbollah, the Palestinian authorities, etc. could fight it out amongst themselves. Maybe they will be able to create together a stable region where it is good for people to live.

Instead of spending billions on armament and ordnance, only leading to more death and destruction on both sides, money could be spend on a massive relocation effort.

Jerusalem should be declared an international city, governed by a council of Muslim-Jew-Christian people. Maybe under authority of the UN.

Of course this road will never ever be taken. But one can hope and dream - about peace.

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Well done Gerald. Keep up the good work.

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