You are so right -- play the game or else!

My Toronto newspaper 1999-2017 suffered six terror attacks and one failed attempt when I was able to anticipate a repeated attempt because I knew their process. My three workers and informants were each burnt out of their homes, my new car was blown up and two attempts were made on my life. And more. vpflet17@gmail.com

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You are so right -- play the game or else!

My Toronto newspaper 1999-2017 suffered six terror attacks and one failed attempt when I was able to anticipate a repeated attempt because I knew their process. My three workers and informants were each burnt out of their homes, my new car was blown up and two attempts were made on my life. And more. vpflet17@gmail.com

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War is the answer. What is thee question…when…where…how…who…are the children of Mr. WHY!

EVERY war is followed by peace…..when peace gets boring…..WAR is thee ANSWER!!!

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