DEI Secret Service

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Amazing how someone filmed - with their phone - the assassin crawling on the roof and getting in position. We even heard people were wondering what he was doing, whether he was not a threat, etc.

The roof was designated a security concern. So why were not two or three law-enforcement people posted there ? It was "outside of the perimeter". What ? Never heard of snipers ? Local law-enforcement was responsible for this security risk (says the Secret Service), no, the Secret Service was (says local law enforcement), so in the end nobody was.

The world looks on and the US stumbles in full sight - again. Keystone Cops.

(The photo where Prez Trump is visible on the ground, through the legs of the agents, is going to win a prize !)

The shooter was, as usual, a lonely boy. No friends, no girlfriend, endlessly bullied in school. Schools should do better in ID'ing lonely & bullied students. They are probably the ones that give the least trouble so these boys (and girls) are easily overlooked. But the hurt and the anger is building inside and one day they decide to show the world who they are. What they are able to do. Then a number of fellow students, or a number of school-children, will never come home again.

Each time we watch the carnage and say "this should not be happening." But it does. Yet parents continue to buy weapons and ammunition for their immature children. What are they thinking ? Are they thinking at all ?

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This was not a school shooting in a gun-free zone. This was an attempt on a former President of the United States in a controlled environment secured by Local, state, and federal authorities. The shooter fits the profile of other "lone assassins" likw John Hinkley. The man charged with shooting President Reagan. Hinckley was being treated at a psychiatric clinic in Lakewood, CO. He was a loner with little or no contact with his parents. Hinckley, like this shooter, was a ripe candidate for brainwashing into becoming a lone assassin. If you don't believe it, you haven't looked into MK-ULTRA or the Korean "Manchurian Candidate" brainwashing techniques that were copied and used in MK-ULTRA experiments on US soldiers by the CIA and US Military in the 1950s.

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We do not need conspiracy theories. This loner could just as well have shot people in a bar, at a festival, at a school, at a parade. Others like him did. Thomas Crooks chose this event - Prez Trump. He was not allowed to become a member of the rifle team at his Junior High School. Well he showed those who thought he was not good enough ! He had the idea, the creativity, the guts, and he almost succeeded.

No "brainwashing" techniques necessary here. Being a teenager, trying to find your place in the world, while acne and fatty deposits rule your face - that is trying to grow a beard, hormones playing havoc on your body, insecurity all over, it makes miserable and desperate. In the mean time fellow students, recognizing your vulnerabilities, bully remorselessly. Many teenagers go for suicide in this situation. Thomas did too - by Secret Service sniper.

Re. brainwashing, look at TikTok, Instagram, etc., Twitter/X, Facebook, YouTube. Those are the "social" media where people get their information now. Put on your TV and flip the cable channels. How much real news is given ? The talking heads mix a few facts with a lot of commentary. Talk is cheap. And awhile back their bosses discovered that reporting(= talking) in anger, sells better than reasonable, factual information. Factual information is also often rather complicated.

The environment was not controlled, far from it. Had it been, this would not have happened.

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Yup , if he played Rust the video game . This would be another day in the game sniping blue suits .

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In the USA apparently you can shoot two people dead in the street and seriously wound a third one, if you bring a box of band-aids.

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Yeah - I guess - "mistakes were not made". SS is implicated.

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They are out to get him and now the whole world knows. Confirmation

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My question is that the main suspect was on the roof !?but the big question is that there had to be multiple suspects on the benches and in the crowd on the time of the incident

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The evidence shows himself !!!No question

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The investigation into the assassination attempt on President Trump must be done independently of the Secret Service and FBI. Someone with expert knowledge of Presidential security operations who is not on the payroll of either organization should head up the investigation. Larry Johnson made it pretty clear that the shooting could have been allowed to happen and that the security officers tasked with protecting Trump have a lot of questions to answer. The fact that two eyewitnesses, (and there may be more), saw the gunman minutes before he fired should be interviewed by investigators asap. Their public statements are enough to condemn the actions of the PA State Police and Secret Service as a dereliction of duty for failing to respond to the two men's alert reaction after seeing the gunman. And where were the snipers all this time? Two untrained sets of eyes saw the gunman. Why didn't the trained eyes of several US government-paid snipers?!! Larry Johnson's point is well taken. Why didn't government snipers take the gunman out before he fired his weapon if they already knew where the gunman was? That was their job. That is why they were there. To be watchful and alert? They were neither alert nor watchful. Therefore it must be a case of Incompetence, negligence, or aiding a conspiracy to murder a former President of the United States. Because we know some things from past successful assassinations and attempted assassinations of high-profile American political leaders. Chances are very high therefore that this was a conspiracy and the hand or hands involved, belong to powerful interests. If investigators start their investigation by asking themselves, Cui Bono, it at least narrows the list of higher-ups associated with the military-industrial-financial complex, who had the most to lose if Trump won in November.

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