The fact that anyone would listen to Fauci about anything is, frankly, pathetic.

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I saw two disasters, named Dana Bash and Jake Tapper. No moderating, just sitting pretty and trying to look clever.

They allowed ex-Prez Trump not to answer their questions, so he just went on his usual rants. Prez Biden was overwhelmed: what was he supposed to do - answer the question, or react to the lies, half-truths, innuendos, brought on by the person next to him ?

This was a black day for journalism. (No wonder foreign journalists were/are not allowed to get a permit to work in the USofA ! I am sure they would, when given the chance, have done a lot better than the CNN-duo.

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Another symptom of the lab created Spike Protein- Dementia. Japan has a huge increase.

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Post script to the above:

The Central Banks are controlled by this cartel. The FED and ECB are their cornerstone enterprises for lending and extorting money from the American and European tax- payers. Most of these taxes fund wars such as The American Civil War, WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Ukraine and Gaza. “All wars are banker’s wars,” said General Smedley Butler USMC (Dec). In his essay “War is a Racket.”

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Regarding Blackrock, State Street and Vanguard; owning 80% of The high tech industries on the NASDAC.

If we throw in Blackstone, then you reach a level of 93.5%.

Who are these hedge fund operators like Larry Fink and Steven A. Swartzman ?

They are front operators for N.M. Rothschild LTD. and the David Sassoon drug conglomerate.

The Rothschild family are the banking end and The Sassoon Family are the narcotics traffickers.

Both of these families are intermarried to form the largest narco-banking cartel on the planet.

They both date back to the two opium wars in China and to the “cornering” of the Bank of England. We are talking from 1825, to the present day.

This cartel is measured by nearly one-quadrillion in British pounds and over one-quadrillion in USDs.

They own the treasuries, the media, Big Pharma, international arms-dealing; they control all major religious groups and dictate to every major political party in existence.

That’s why, (in the words of President Woodrow Wilson), “their names are seldom mentioned above a whisper.”

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Like asking Mr Haney from Green Acres a question

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Fauci’s lying to cover for what may be the onset of dementia or another age related brain dysfunction. He and Biden’s wife should be ashamed of themselves for urging the mentally challenged president to run for a second term for the toughest job in the world. They owe the American people an apology too. Biden is obviously physically and mentally incapable of performing his duties as POTUS. Our nation is now threatened with existential crises because of Biden’s incapacitated state of mind. In videos that show Biden attending major public events, he doesn’t seem to know where he is or what he is supposed to do. I don’t see how anyone can trust Biden who has responsibility for the nuclear launch codes. The Democratic Party should get him out now for the sake and security of the nation.

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The Republican Party should get Mr. Trump out now for the sake and security of the nation.

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