Gerald. In the Duoay Rheims Catholic Bible and even in in the KJV Protestant Bible, there is a passage about the “Last Days” and how “They will put you out of the Synagogues; offer you up to death and believe they are doing “God” a great service.” John 16:1-4
This passage sums up Zio-paths like Niki Haley and Lindsey Graham quite well.
These hypocrites call themselves “Christians,” while worshipping Christ’s killers, instead of worshipping Jesus Christ, the Son of God the Father. ‘ Pure idolatry!
This fascist mouthpiece is the first to declare freedom for Israel while advocating denial of the same freedom to American college students protesting Israel's genocide. Trump is surrounded by this kind of bad advice and therefore if elected we can expect the same thing coming from him. Heaven help us.
Additionally we should House Arrest all Politicians...
Before any selection ever... we must insert clauses under which the Government is allowed to operate.
Such as taken the war power away...
Government accountability.
Abolish the CIA.
Abolish the Fed.
Politicians and Government must not be able to resign... but be released by the public after a full disclosure public inquiry and transparency of every action in office... and released only by public vote.
Kiddie blood drinking monsters in human form. There is no other explanation for this level of soulless psycho behavior
Gerald. In the Duoay Rheims Catholic Bible and even in in the KJV Protestant Bible, there is a passage about the “Last Days” and how “They will put you out of the Synagogues; offer you up to death and believe they are doing “God” a great service.” John 16:1-4
This passage sums up Zio-paths like Niki Haley and Lindsey Graham quite well.
These hypocrites call themselves “Christians,” while worshipping Christ’s killers, instead of worshipping Jesus Christ, the Son of God the Father. ‘ Pure idolatry!
Wheat is being separated from the chaff and she ain’t the wheat and neither are her false Christian followers.
She needs that shell firing up her evil gen0cidal arse
She learned nothing from the rather famous picture of Jane Fonda, standing too close to an anti-aircraft gun in Hanoi ?
This fascist mouthpiece is the first to declare freedom for Israel while advocating denial of the same freedom to American college students protesting Israel's genocide. Trump is surrounded by this kind of bad advice and therefore if elected we can expect the same thing coming from him. Heaven help us.
Haley... Schumer... Nuland.. Jews who are propagating a Holocaust in Gaza and WW3.
The same Jews who essentially protect the Jewish Mafia aka the "Establishment" and put a Law into place that makes it Illegal to criticize Jews.
Fuck that.
You can stick that law up your Arse mate...and while you are at it... that hate crime law also...
Blood Libel... that's what this is.
You know.. I am for once with Haley... we should finish them.. the Jews.
Remove all Jews and especially Christian Zionist for they are even worse from every position of power everywhere.
Additionally we should House Arrest all Politicians...
Before any selection ever... we must insert clauses under which the Government is allowed to operate.
Such as taken the war power away...
Government accountability.
Abolish the CIA.
Abolish the Fed.
Politicians and Government must not be able to resign... but be released by the public after a full disclosure public inquiry and transparency of every action in office... and released only by public vote.
“she is a complete supporter of the carnage in Ukraine “
Really? I’ve never heard that
she is a supporter of Russia.
“ it is believed that the bulk of her political financial support comes from Jewish sources that are tied to Israel.”
Believed? By who?
How about a few facts?
By anyone with a functional brain. That’s who!
So, no facts?