a direct reflection of how sick our fucking world is. Sickness pursuant greed, envy, and prejudice.

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These hateful people with a made up history or the scourge of our planet. Of course there is a lot of competition for that title. No wonder their fake God gave up on these fake people.

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There are a few more vacant seats on the docks but he’ll have to get in line.

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Jews love Hitler... after all he was a Rothschild...


Serious Question here...

Would Israel exist without Adolf Hitler bringing the Jews to Palestine?


Here is Netanyahoo defending Hitler...


And here is Edwin Black... a Jew... speaking about the Havara agreement between the Nazis and the Zionists...



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Zionists and German Nazis shared the same “blood and soil” ideology. Netanyahu’s father, Benzion Netanyahu, was the secretary for Vladimir Jabotinsky who stood in the shadow of the God Father of political Zionism, Theodore Herzl. Political Zionists didn’t inhabit Palestine until the Ashkenazi Eastern European Jews began to migrate there after the breakup of the Ottoman Empire. Jews like Menachem Begin and David Ben Gurion showed up in the 30s and 40s to claim Palestine as their biblical home. But it was the British who were behind iit all starting with the Balfour Declaration and then Sykes-Picot. There was a British hand involved all the way through from 1917 to the present. I mentioned Jabotinsky. He was a British agent! Ze’ve Jabotinsky and his followers fanned the flames of Zionism in Palestine as a British geopolitical psy-op the British could trigger chaos anytime it wished to.

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I like all their fake names to sound like they are from the middle east.

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I can't like because of Substack... but Satanyahoo being so close to Herzl is new... thanx.

I keep that.

About the Balfour Declaration...

You should read my essay on this.


As you should my Rothschild Nimrod Anunaki connection...


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