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There is more at stake than that.

Realizing on who is doing what is the first stage.

Those who attack Freedom of expression... Freedom of thought... Freedom of speech...

Can be Identified and are the same people who want to create WW3.



The Occult

And other bastards of use to them Nazis.

The solution is simple...

Burn their Temples... best when they are in it and burn with them.

Remove the above from any position of power in any way you see fit by any means you want to apply.


Those who make a peaceful Revolution impossible make a violent Revolution necessary - JFK

Time is come... they must burn.

They start with schools and collages because Jews are pedophiles... they pray on the young and innocent... Jews are cowards as are the rest of this scum.

Self-Sufficient Communities – How to Defeat the NWO

We are in a war. We are under attack. If you ignore this fact and do not proactively defend yourself, you will be enslaved or killed off.


The Illegality of the Government and the Laws we need to save our Souls

Tell the Government it has the right to Fuck Of


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