Love you Gerald! So the Israelis couldnt have a meeting about ceasefire until after sabbath, so they killed 81 more civillians im the meantime- huh?

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This will not end with the current political actors. Until we remove profit from wars the powerful will keep gaming the system. Let's hope this lasts, I'm not holding my breath.

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21st century Hollywood Fascism

Made by Mossad paid by the Rothschilds


Change the Clown but keep the Clownshow alive.

Give the Niggers of Slavelandia a small Victory so they think they have success... but in reality they have Syphilis and will never be cured... TUSKEGEE.

There is a Mind Virus going on right now... and everyone has it.

If Voting would change anything they would make it illegal it.

So one Clown makes another Clown look good... that keeps the Idiots of Slavelandia at bay.

Swallow Bitches.

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Netanyahu and his U.S. State Department/ C.I.A. supporters have many tricks up their sleeves.

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