The complete control exerted by Jonathan Greenblatt, of the Anti- Defamation League, over Congress is shocking!

Add to that, the chokehold that AIPAC has on these same “Congressional Whores;” then you start to see the big picture.

Israeli P.M. Benjamin Netanyahu addresses these same dogs and receives 52 standing ovations? They looked more like “ovulations” to me.

A pathetic group of bitches in heat, salivating, ovulating and wagging their tails behind them.

This representative republic form of government, that we once enjoyed, has been turned against us by an unsavory group of special interest lobbyists.

Every senior cabinet position in the Biden-Harris camp is held by a Jewish-American. Many are dual-citizen Israelis.

Slightly less than 2% of the U.S. population are Jewish. I would venture to say that this particular demographic group is slightly over-represented in government. Wouldn’t you?

The Federal Reserve Bank has the real clout though. They are neither Federal nor do they hold any reserves.

The task of printing money is supposed to be done by Congress.

But, the FED has taken over this role. Now, our U.S. Presidents have become puppets; whose strings are pulled by their head puppeteer, Alan Greenspan.

Our foreign policy is for “perpetual war.” These wars are funded by debt, created by the Federal Reserve Central Bank, and then lent to U.S. Treasury, at usurious interest rates. That’s why we have a national debt approaching 35 trillion USD.

The solution is simple. End the Fed and return the power to print debt- free money to Congress. Will this ever happen?

The answer was repeated 52 times for all to see and hear a fortnight ago.

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Israel is more than an itch, it is an open ulcerated puss dripping sore on America's genitals

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I wouldn't give up Mr. Giraldi. The bubble they are all riding is going to blow up in their fat faces sooner rather than later. The sooner the better in my opinion. As long as they are prevented from starting a nuclear war with Russia or China, we will be able to ride out the disintegration of the floating exchange rate financial system. One the bubble implodes trillions of worthless derivatives will evaporate. But there are trillions more that must be canceled. To do that Glass-Steagall is needed. Creating two-tier banking and a credit system will systemically finish off Wall St. and City of London bankers putting Europe and the US on the right path to recovery.

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