A True Sufi , Insight , Giraldi , Rogue States :: That Biological Insight , Far to Kind , Elucidation Of it with Clarity , Machiavellian States with Medieval Criminal Actions , Bereft of Morality & Notion for Liberty :

“Wherefore, unless things be put on a sound footing by some one ruler who lives to a very advanced age, or by two virtuous rulers succeeding one another, the city upon their death at once falls back into ruin; or, if it be preserved, must be so by incurring great risks, and at the cost of much blood. For”

― Niccolò Machiavelli, Greatest Works of Niccolò Machiavelli: The Prince, The Art of War, Discourses on the First Decade of Titus Livius & History of Florence

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proof is in the puppet trump's alleged choices for govt positions. the braindead sheeple only care that the lying grifter won, "rah rah". the cheer their own demise and still defend the inept senile mentally ill creature. add to that the muskrat being inserted into a fleece the taxpayer position. how long will the u.s.a. last as isn'treal 2.0?

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Your comment "Donald Trump may be worse than Kamala Harris, is by no means a true statement. It is pessimistic but not factual. More than 71 million Americans voted for Trump. Assuming that a good two-thirds of them, if asked in private, would agree that they are against genocide being carried out by Israel in Gaza. The social environment has been shaped by pro-Israel propaganda and outright threats against people exercising free speech to denounce Israel's brutal genocide against Palestinians. Though Trump is a friend and recipient of money from American Zionists, he is the President of all the people. And there is more of us than there is of them. We are making our voices heard loud and clear. NO MORE WAR!

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you jest. you still believe voting works? or matters? the entire disastrous campaign farce was demonization of all who did not worship trump. the msm went overboard in that. americans against genocide in gaza? you must be on some hard drugs. its doubtful they know where gaza is let alone care. genocide has been ongoing for over 100 years,americans care? nope . trump is a grifter in a powerless scripted job. he is the jim jones of the 21st century.

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There were the alternatives of Jill Stein and Chase Oliver not to mention the others. A large majority of Arab Americans thankfully went over to Jill Stein. They should never have been democrips in the first place.

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Stop with the gaslighting. Jill Stein said Israel has a right to exist (no nation does) which means she is a Zionist and that Israel has a right to defend itself (it is not defending itself).

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Your statement is true. Jill Stein was fearful of the blowback from the Zionist Lobby, AIPAC, MSM, and ADL fascists. I understand her fear, given what these neofascists have done to other outspoken leaders speaking the truth. My association with American political leader Lyndon LaRouche made me a target of the ADL when I ran for public office in NY. Without going into details, I was thrown off the ballot that I had successfully and legally petitioned to be on. I was slandered in the NY press. Threatened with losing my job. I was threatened with assassination by one of the attornies representing the Queens County Democratic Party in the federal case that denied my petitions. So I do personally know the pressure and potential harm these scum can inflict. In my case, I ran again for public office in another state. I ran up against similar opposition from similar organizations, but the threat level was much lower. While I remained on the ballot, my campaign and candidacy against the Democrat incumbent were generally ignored by the press, as well as city and state officers. It was outside city control, that my vote in the District showed up. Inside the city, I obtained physical evidence of my vote being stolen in clumsy fashion. I came into possession of voter tally sheets that had my vote canceled using whiteout! Bold and blatant, Party Democrats will resort to any measure to maintain power and control over the lives and livelihoods of people. They fear Trump. But they fear even more an American electorate motivated enough and fed up enough to take action against them.

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no one "fears" trump that silly line is obvious nonsense. trump is used by the same ones who have infiltrated the govt. as Khrushchev stated communism aka zionism would take over america without firing a shot. and it has. trump will do and say anything for benjamin's and attention. his alleged choices for cabinet positions prove who controls him. george patton was correct when he stated "we fought the wrong enemy" meaning germany was correct.

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The world is divided be two opposing forces. The Anglo-American hegemon is now committed to early nuclear war with Russia a leader of the BRICS+ nations.

Driven by its determination to salvage its global power, the hegemon now faces imminent disintegration of the 2 quadrillion derivatives bubble.

Over the last ten years, the BRICS with China and Russia's leadership, have organized nations of the global south to support a new paradigm of cooperation around win-win development. Over 150 nations have joined China's Belt & Road since it was created in 2013. Faced with IMF inforced economic collapse and backwardness, these nations have turned their backs on colonialism with a big middle finger. London and Wall St retaliated with a coup in Ukraine in 2014, aimed at defeating Russia using its Ukraine proxy in a war to the last Ukrainian. If the Kremlin perceives that the US will next arm Ukraine with tactical nuclear weapons, Russia will be left with no alternative but to rely on its vast nuclear arsenal to defend Russia's sovereignty. The US would act no differently if roles were reversed. So essentially it is the Cuban Missile Crisis on steroids, but in reverse.

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