This is completely true... however.

In relation to the jewish Fascism that increases over American Politics... American Politicians increasingly becoming meaningless to the public.

The public realizes they are all Manchurian Candidates.


And as the public does that... as their power grip intensifies... their power is actually fading.

Soon comes the day the public had enough... and then heads will roll... public hangings too.

And I surely hope I contributed and will contribute to their downfall.

Our future is bright... wen them are all gone.


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Perhaps next he’ll be promoting the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

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Sadly, almost tragically, I find myself unreluctantly in agreement. Sadly because it didn’t have to be this way, Israeli could have agreed to implement UN Resolution 242 and live in peace with an inhabitant population. And tragically because many many more Palestinians and Jews will lose their lives before this travesty is over.

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Why do you say Israel didn’t agree to implement 242?

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