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Mr Giraldi is in jeopardy of being accused of violating the FARA Act for being an agent of a foreign country, the United States of America. What do I mean by that? Patriots like Ritter and Gabbard were not the first to be harassed and intimidated by Federal agencies for their outspoken truth telling. Probably the most persecuted patriotic private citizen in memory was none other than, Lyndon H LaRouche. His involvement with the Reagan Administration in the early 80s involving Reagan's acceptance of LaRouche's concept of Beam Defense against Nuclear Weapons, that later became the SDI, earned LaRouche a 15 year federal prison sentence in 1989. Several of his associates in his political organization were also given long prison sentences. Several received sentences of 86, 75, 25, and 10 year sentences in prison! Each of them were charged with one count of selling a security without a license. A crime that would normally bring no prison time. In reality, LaRouche's associates were either members of his security or LaRouche fundraisers who raised money from supporters selling subscriptions to LaRouche's publications. Every one of LaRouche's publications were shut down by order of the federal government. LaRouche's daily newspaper "New Solidarity" and Monthly publications Fusion Magazine and The Campaigner, were forced to stop publication by court order. The Fusion Energy Foundation founded by LaRouche in 1974 to promote the development of Commercial Fusion was also shuttered by the JUST US Department under the GHW Bush administration. The time and money spent on the witch hunt and persecution of a private citizen because he opposed the unAmerican power structure occupying the corridors of power in the USA, was unmatched in US history, so said the former Attorney General Ramsey Clark who represented the LaRouche case against the Federal government. None of this intimidation and harassment of Scott Ritter and Tulsi Gabbard would be occurring today had the American people stood up to the corruption and abuse of the permanent bureaucracy rot that has existed in government since the assassination of President John F Kennedy. If the American people continue to put their efforts for a better future and their obligation to make it happen, in individuals like Trump and Harris, Big Brother will only get bigger and more brazen in its quest to silence the silent majority. We the People should stop behaving as if they are a minority. WE are the many, THEY are the few. The real power in our Republic lies with WE THE PEOPLE. WE THE PEOPLE are the original First Branch of Government. It's time WE THE PEOPLE started to act like it don't you think?

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