Old Sig Haley is one stupid bitch and she never disappoints

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You're being too charitable in your assessment.

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If Graham and Cotton or any other member of Congress want to put US boots on the ground, let them be the first to go. Tell politicians no more wars. If a vote were put before the people in every nation there would be NO MORE WARS!

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If the US (and Europe) are not utterly careful, the renewed Hamas/Hezbollah attacks against Israel - in part a result of Israel's policies - combined with the ongoing conflict between Russia and the Ukraine, could very well be the start of WW 3. I also worry about Europe, which houses a number of unhappy second/third generation immigrants. Especially since the Advent and X-mas periods will start soon with festivities, special outdoor markets, etc.

This is not a religious conflict. It is, as usual, an economic conflict dressed in religious slogans.

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Nikki Haley and Ms.Graham are war hawks. That's shocking ...

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Why do they call it X, like in eXcrement?

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Because the guy who paid two or three times what it was worth had long had a fascination (or obsession) with the letter "X"

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As the usual suspects foam at the mouth, a couple psychotic South Carolinians couldn’t wait to make the case for war:

“Believing is Seeing”


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