Israel has descended into unspeakable barbarism. and nothing will change until our government brings a stop to supplying these psychopaths with money and arms. This can only happen if we first kick out all the dual passport holders in Congress and then have all the Zionist bodies like the ADL and AIPAC registered as foreign agents thus eradicating their power over our blackmailed politicians.

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OK. Who is going to do it? We the people? The military seems useless.

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Imagine a country that ensured a sound and valid currency, did not permit fraudulent debt or extortionist lending, maintained the security of its borders, did not engage in illegal wars or wars due to the intrigues of dubious "allies", could reproduce its population by way of its own population, obeyed its own laws including its Constitution and therefore did not restrict people's freedom of association on any excuse (including any DEI/human/civil rights nonsense) and protected its institutions to the death instead of partying while watching them die, hoping that in the collapse they will fall upon one socially engineered enemies who just wanted to retain their traditions and families and grill now and then while hypocritically accomplishing none of the above. That country would be America as it could have been, but now is not and possibly cannot be ever due to the following of this motto: parum, sero, saepe. Too little, too late, too often. Or perhaps the motto should be "deceived, duped, destroyed". That's been then pattern for over 100 years. The American Civil War should have made that obvious to everyone. The sabotage of Liberia, the forced integration, the never-ending (and rightly never ending) social strife that resulted ever since, the control of currency by fraudulent means for criminal purposes, the hijacking of the government through social engineering and extortion at all parts of the process from election, to holding office, to policy. The complete control of society by a foreign entity, which could have done no better than being invited in through the complete negligence of thought and better judgement and good instinct that can be accomplished only through the proper mix of trauma, brainwashing, and dereliction of duty.

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The west is the worse version of human being

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We cannot excuse Congress either, for they are guilty of giving Biden the vote as well as political cover for arming Israel. They must be condemned for supporting and providing arms to Israel. Congressmen who voted for legislation that provided billions of US tax dollars for Israel's war machine should be seated next to Biden in the docks at Nuremberg. Justice must be served against all who participated in Israel's genocide to ensure future generations are legally bound to uphold the 1947 Genocide Convention. Something that is not being done today in Israel's case.

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There is no doubt that these jews are fucking monsters , but this looks staged to me.

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There is no doubt that these jews are fucking monsters , but this looks staged to me.

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Very disturbing. How did we get here ? May The Most High have Mercy on the people of Gaza and Palestine and hold those responsible accountable!

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this they call healing the world.

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Just another day at the office for these savages in Palestine and Ukraine.

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watch no countries or u.n. do anything about it.

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Can't when their governments are controlled by the same barbarians

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