Gaza is Israel's Auschwitz.

And Israel is a Nazi state.

And they are preparing next False Flag.

From Jan 1 2024 Governments around the world wills art implementing AI

It will be AI takeover and the AI war Humans against Machines.

Starting from Jan 1 2024.

It is a tragedy in the Making... a Global Genocide... Quantum Holocaust.

And if you ignore the evidence I present so be it.

Ignore me and ignore it at your own peril...

I present the evidence and it is conclusive.

Shame on all of you with a public following who refuse to tell the real threat.

A Global AI Government by the WEF.

A Digital Adolf Hitler.


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Surveillance of the American population in 2024 will be expanded to include all urban cities and neighborhoods using AI. It won't be simply Smart TVs either. We're facing something way beyond Orwell's 1984. It's a well known fact that DARPA has been developing life size robots for urban warfare. The federal government may have to rely on them to combat food rioters when the food chain is cut in half. They anticipate an armed citizens revolt caused by the FED's planned digital currency takeover of all bank deposits! The billionaire class will be exempt from any newly imposed government regulations. Increasing control over the US population using drastic measures, is the federal government's way of having the upper hand when the ugly face of fascism is openly revealed to a complacent general population. The fascists criminals in control of this plot, epitomized by this Haines woman, cannot be allowed to win. For We are many. They are few. The system they have relied on since Truman, is crashing down on their fat heads. It is that system of usury and looting that is being rejected by over half the world's population. It leaves them with two choices. Either the Military-Financial complex relents to join the rest of humanity and accept orderly bankruptcy of the British Free Trade monetarist system. Or they take on the world in what would soon become global thermonuclear war! But like the Haines woman, they are insane! They would rather rule in Hell than serve in Heaven. The US and Israel are openly alienated in the world. But the US/UK don't care. They are going full steam ahead using Nazi methods of genocide and population control. The Palestinians are but the first of many they will try to erase from this earth. One of the first principles of Oligarchical rule is population control, "culling the herd" to manageable levels through starvation, pestilence, disease, and war. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Fortunately for mankind, the global majority have united with the BRICS, choosing instead peaceful development and cooperation anchored by the Belt and Road Initiative. It means we have many allies to back us up. But it's up to us to do our duty as representatives of workable solutions that will reverse the crises facing our nation. It starts with restoring Glass-Steagall bankruptcy reorganization of the commercial banking system. Canceling derivatives and cleaning out the commercial banks of all the junk that belongs to Wall Street bank holding companies. Secondly, we must create a new Credit system to replace the failed monetary system, together with a Third National Bank of the United States. A Hamiltonian bank for lending, long term, at low 1 to 2% interest, for what Hamilton called "internal improvements." What we call infrastructure today. Third, government directed credit issues for long term investment into economic infrastructure; water, power, transportation systems, healthcare, education and R&D. Fourth, Crash Fusion research program that puts America on the path to a fusion based economy, together with manned space exploration, colonizing Moon and Mars and beyond powered by fusion rockets. These are Lyndon LaRouche's Four Laws for economic recovery. It's up to us, armed with the knowledge LaRouche gave us, to educate our citizenry. Because history has shown that an informed citizenry will not be hoodwinked into accepting the edicts of a tyrant. The American revolution was made with just 30% of the US population. Look at Diane Sare's Senate campaign FB page to get a sense of how we are doing exactly that.

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This is the satanic Talmud in action. Crush these Jewpacabras.

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If the US Red Sea Armada strikes Houthi emplacements or ships at sea, Iran will be provoked into engaging militarily. So far, Iran has kept its kool after one of its leaders in the Iranian guard was killed by an Israeli missile strike while visiting Syria. Israel violates international law at will and nothing is said by the US. But the Houthis are villainized and threatened by the US for blocking arms shipments and other cargo to Israel. The US is on the wrong side of the law and history is recording it.

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