Yes. This I know well. You know, I began investigating this world asking myself a simple question. Whence cometh evil? I struggled and struggled, but once I started to understand my personal life, my social life, and then the life of the world around me through various studies and efforts, I came to realize that evil has several characteristics we all understand. Those are its effects (which get our attention), its approach (it's M.O.), and its basic moral stupidity (it should know better). I decided that motive is just whatever drives it, just whatever its particular needs are at the time. It's only important in order to better find out from whence it came. I saw the chalk print, I knew the means that were used, and I was even able to figure out who did it. Probably most of the time by raw count, the culprit wasn't Jewish. But I did note a per capita increase in frequency with Jews when it comes to certain types of crimes, as with certain pursuits or other characteristics (which any race can be said to have in its own ways). But what I found unique to Jewish criminals, is that there is a large cult of idiots who will enable them, and defend them, even when knowing their guilt, as if it were their deepest religion to do so. I thought that was peculiar. This is one of those peculiarities that, if you are anything like Columbo... you know... you just start wincing, raising up both hands, and sardonically begging people to help you understand. And when they do, they just keep making it worse, adding more problems and confusions. Then finally, like the great detective himself, after exhausting all alternatives, you just have to spill it out and tell everyone that there is an elephant in the room, it stinks, and I'm tired of pretending that it doesn't, especially when it keeps shitting on my sofa.

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Nothing will change until lucifer is dethroned in every country. Here in America our government is luciferian. Israel has the same form of government. You can plainly tell by looking at the occult structures they have placed in their capitals. They infiltrate every government and religious institution on earth today. Nothing will change until these idols are torn down. Sadly America and Israel both have pyramids and obelisks and street plans of occult symbology. Until they are torn down ours and Israel’s people will suffer for allowing them to be erected. Till they are exposed and taken down nothing will change. Israel has sinned a great sin! And so has the US and every other country under their banner.

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