Haniyah's murder in Tehran is Isreal's answer to moderation by Iran's new President. Israel has no intention to live with Palestinians or any other non-Jewish ethnicity. Which means constant conflict with the Arab and Persian populations that surround it. Trouble is, there will be little change in US foreign policy toward Israel or Iran come January 20, 2025. Trump and Vance have both spoken in tough language about future relations with Iran. Vance to Republicans at the convention, "Punch them hard!" Trump followed that with "we'll hit them hard" if......If what? If Iran retaliates after Israel pulls off assassinating Lebanese leaders on Tehran's soil? As fir Trump, he's got a killer streak in him. He killed Soleimani on Mike Pompeo's recommendation. Pompeo lied to Trump, telling him that Soleimani was responsible for killing thousands of US soldiers. That would be true if we considered Isis as a member of the US military. Soleimani led Iran's war against Isis when the Obama administration was arming Isis and FSA Jihadi rebels in Syria with manpads stored in a depot in Benghazi.

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trump is such a killer he got 4 draft deferments

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Trump had four years to prove his bluster. Instead the two-bit billionaire with Orange hair exposed himself (no pun intended) as a know-nothing when it came to running the country. He was steamrolled by Rinos and Asses alike. He couldn't even get his measly one billion dollar infrastructure bill passed. He bragged he could negotiate new businesses relocating to the US. That may make a great sound bite for people who don't know the first thing about which economic measures were necessary for making a real recovery. It proved to me he didn't know the first thing about economic science. Trump never pushed for the restoration of Glass-Steagall bank reorganization like he promised during the campaign. When he put Goldman Sachs banker Steve Mnuchin in at Treasury, I knew then he wasn't serious. None of the Presidential contenders are qualified to be POTUS. All three major candidates stated they stand with Israel. They reek with racism toward the Palestinian people. The UN would have sent Blue Helmets long before this if it were not for Israel committing the genocide. Trump said he wants to end the war in Ukraine. But if his past performance is any indication of what he will do, I won't my breath. The world is in a tragic state because of the dominate rules-based order that rules the West, namely the United States. The current permanent bureaucrats running things will not uphold basic principles of sovereignty, dignity, the right to self determination, security and development for any nation. Not even our own. They pose the threat of a major clash with the BRICS nations led by Russia and China. Nations of the global south are moving in a very different direction than those in the collapsing West. They have a unity of purpose to promote and defend multi-polarity. Respect for sovereignty. Economic development through China's Belt and Road Initiative. More importantly it signals the end 500 years of colonialism that oligarchies of one form or another had imposed on the world. These nations represent the hope of a new beginning for their humanity, while we in the West are facing a potential demonic ending. God help us.

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good post but racism is not the reason for the treatment and slaughter of those in Gaza. if the whitest of whites the Mormons lived in that country for 1000's of years do you think the jews would not have invaded it and massacred them cause they were white? the jews hate White Christians more then all the others they hate

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Belief in Blood and Soil ideology by a Zionist cult that traces back to Theodor Herzl, is what drove Ben Gurion, Menachem Begin, and all the rest of the Ashkenazi Eastern Europeans to Palestine. Once the British announced the Balfour Declaration after the British Empire had replaced Ottoman control of Palestine after WWI, Political Zionists of the blood and soil cult type took advantage. They viewed it as recognition of the Big Lie that says Palestine is land that belongs to the Jews. In reality it was seen as Land Grab that Zionists could argumentatively justify by citing the 3000 year old "promise" Abraham supposedly made to the Jews. Menachem Begin was in the first wave of Zionists who immigrated to Palestine in 1930. A devout follower of Herzl, Begin started preaching against United Nations and British rule in Palestine, claiming the land between the river and the sea belonged to the Jews. Begin soon resorted to terrorism, creating the "Irgun" blowing up hotels and other property belonging to the UN and British. Ben Gurion was only different in approach. He also believed in Abraham's Prophecy that was used to justify stealing land from the Palestinians. So, yes, while you are certainly right that it wasn't racism in the case of religious cult followers Begin and Ben Gurion, it is racism that represents a motivating factor among non-Jewish Americans. The US has a history of supporting wars against peoples with dark skin. Vietnam, Panama, Grenada, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, to name the most recent ones. Before that the oligarchy's international assassination bureau was busy assassinating political leaders. Several attempts were made on President De Gaulle that failed. Congo's President Patrice LaMumba was not so lucky. Even before that the CIA had forced President Mossadegh into exile in Iran in 1953 as a sop to British Petroleum. JFK, Malcolm X, MLK, RFK, two failed assassination attempts on President Ford. A failed attempt on Reagan, and the latest assassination attempt on Trump. Western governments political policy today is modeled on imperialism. But Africa has bolted! African nations have made it clear to the West they are done with colonialism and all the miseries it has brought them over the centuries. Yet the Anglo-American oligarchy did not throw in the towel. The West still views African nations as colonies from which to loot natural resources and raw materials. But things have changed dramatically after the intro of the BRICS in 2013. 150 nations have joined the Belt and Road, building great infrastructure projects. African leaders have turned to Russia and China and the BRICS as a way out of the vicious cycle of poverty and backwardness that has kept them from down. They see a new day has come. A new day in which Colonialism is finally over! They now look for their salvation by way of economic development and industrialization of their nations. It is the BRICS that holds out to them the principles of a shared future. One of national sovereignty, self determination, economic security. This is what America was once known for. But after JFK was assassinated the US was taken over and occupied by the Anglo-American financial oligarchy centered in the City of London and Wall Street. A former CIA analyst calls the oligarchy MICIMATT. It stands for Military-Industrial-Congressional-Intelligence-Media-Academia-Think Tank. If we add Financial to the acronym we have identified the elements that make up the Anglo-American oligarchy some people call the Deep State. In the US it is represented by a permanent bureaucracy that exist in all of US government agencies and departments. It is this rot that has perpetuated population wars and political divisions among our people. Together with the ruling class of the United Kingdom, it has brought the world to the edge of WWIII today. It is the duty of all citizens to act. To find a way to cut this cancer out of US policy making. Otherwise our nation will continue on the road to Perdition and near term thermonuclear WWIII.

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that anti white communist bullshit about racism dont work with me. for 1000's of years Europeans fought each other. the 2 world wars over 100 million whites dead. US civil war 800K dead. US and the rest of the west has declared war on whites and they say it out loud. I wish the whites would have killed as many non whites as they killed whites. whites in world population has been going down for 120 years

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The message to Hamas is: “you can run, but you cannot hide”.

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go die somewhere you baby killing POS

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Total madmen

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