Our good friend Colonel Douglas MacGregor failed to mention the elephant in the middle of the living room. The everything bubble of trillions of derivatives are soon to disintegrate in a gigantic implosion....UNLESS Congress restores the Glass-Steagall Act (HR 2714) in the original. Under GS, the US banking system will be put through emergency bankruptcy reorganization. During the duration of the emergency auditors will cancel derivatives. All derivatives side bets, futures, forwards, options or swaps, CDOs CDS's etc, will be canceled! If the owners of these things can sell them on the secondary markets, more power to them. But the commercial banks will not honor them under the Glass-Steagall Act. The FDIC will also not be required to cover derivatives of any type. While the banker's predatory Dodd-Frank law is declared null and void under Glass-Steagall two tier banking. Prudent banking will be brought back while ordinary depositors checking and savings will be protected from bank bailouts and predatory practices of Wall St investment banking.

Glass-Steagall is the first of four necessary measures designated as essential for a real economic recovery to begin, by American economist Lyndon H LaRouche. Colonel MacGregors 10 actions may have a chance if Glass-Steagall is restored first.

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Unfortunately MacGregor lacks the courage to call out the Jews who are the root cause of the chaos.

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All Hunter Wanted To Know

This Weekend

Is If He Can Have

The Corvette.


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