We shot down our own plane? Has our military become the answer to the Keystone Cops? Stop providinge money and weaponry to Ukraine, and while you're at it, stop all money and weaponry to Israel. Tell Zelensky and Netanyahu, both modern-day Hitlers, that they are now on their own. Stop the damn wars and concentrate on MAGA! Mr. Trump, do what you promised to do.

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♦Maga in Latin: Magic, Magical, Witch

♦Maga in Italian: Sorceress or Witch

♦Maga in Spanish: Magician or Wizard or Illusionist

♦Maga in Polish: Magician

♦Maga in Sanskrit: Magician or Priest of the sun

Now, in English the word ‘Mage’ is an archaic word for magician or sorcerer coming from the Latin word, Magus/Maga, and Greek word Magos.

♦ Etymology com….mage (n.)

“magician, enchanter,” c. 1400, Englished form of Latin magus “magician, learned magician,” from Greek magos, a word used for the Persian learned and priestly class as portrayed in the Bible (said by ancient historians to have been originally the name of a Median tribe), from Old Persian magush “magician” (see magic and compare magi). An “archaic” word by late 19c. (OED), revived by fantasy games.”

With that said, once the term ‘Magician’ came up, I could only think of one thing, yup, that Economist magazine cover from December of 2016 called ‘The world in 2017’ Planet Trump, with the Tarot cards on it. Now do you think that was a coincidence?!



Simon Magus (Greek Σίμων ὁ μάγος, Latin: Simon Magus), also known as Simon the Sorcerer or Simon the Magician, was a religious figure whose confrontation with Peter is recorded in the Acts of the Apostles.[1] The act of simony, or paying for position, is named after Simon, who tried to buy his way into the power of the Apostles.



Be careful what you wish for. He could be the last “trump.”

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Hang on, now--first have to find out whether the responsible party was LGBTQGHXYZ, in which case it is a legitimate mistake accruing zero accountability...

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The colonel is the best voice we have on this side of our political lens. Thank you Gerald and Col Mac!

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My bet is that the Pentagon is following its long established habit of deception. My bet is that the Houthis got one with Russian air defense system and DoD doesn't want to admit it.

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Recently, Elon Musk announced that his artificial intelligence program GROK, soon to be running on X Premium, will provide a summary to the active legislation on the Congressional docket.

GROK will summarize the basic ideas of the proposed legislation, and make it accessible to the public. Hopefully, this will allow the citizens to understand the "real purpose" of these laws.

The member of Congress, who, has admittedly not read the proposed legislation, may get to see more of what it’s about, if they have the time look, before making it the law of the land.

Everyone should get on board and ask Mr. Musk to include the line item RATIFY / ANNUL / UNDECIDED feature so that the will of the people can be made known about each and every matter of government importance.

All new laws must be Ratified in order to be put on the books or Annulled to take them off the books.

But why stop there?

The business of the State Legislatures should be included too.

The twelve thousand county commissioner’s country wide vote on hundreds of billions of dollars of activity every month…. And the local school board needs help too.

# A1. Should the US Congress allow the Citizens they represent to ratify or annul the laws, programs and policies they are governed by?

a. Yes

b. No

c. Undecided

# A2. As lawful agents of the Citizens should the US Congress and the State Legislatures create an enhanced voting franchise specifically designed to enable the demonstrably sapient segment of the population to ratify or annul the Laws, Policies and Programs of their own government bodies?

a. Yes

b. No

c. Undecided

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Bringing the argument home, there are 6 criteria listed for a condition of genocide (democide), in United States Code TITLE 18, Subsection 1091. When bureaucrats have "gamified" the law to openly sneak around behind a family's backs to conspire and act with malice aforethought to mischaracterize a father's corporal punishment as "Child Abuse" and apply what is tantamount to capitol punishment to the natural parents. Accusation leading to "probable cause" leading to "Warrant-less Arrest" leading to 57 days of coercive detention, leading to bootstrapped "Felonies for both parents who are afforded no "lawful" protection from the predatory agents and agencies, star chamber courts, and the original hostage taker's are never questioned by those courts because the parents are too poor to fight "City Hall". Although these are capitol crimes, and crimes against humanity, the Federal Government who chooses to ignore the crimes and hubris of the States are equally complicit in the State of Utah's crimes. If they are "State Approved terrorism" they are to be bifurcated to "Torts" and downplayed by public pretenders. I was told that I could defend my country in the U.S. Army, but Utah's courts told me that I had no right to defend myself or my own family because they unlawfully searched and seized us to maintain despotic control of the narrative? When the "Oath of Office" can be violated with absolute impunity, to the per-meditated genocide of American families, then what does the Constitution actually protect?

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Bidons fault? I'd like to blame him. It's our world view sponsored and encouraged by the greedy and abeded by the uninformed masses. YOU and MacGregor and truth are the answer. Thank you, keep spreading the truth and the optimists may yet save the world. Peace on earth, I hope for a happy new year for all.

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The Houthis also claimed they shot down the F/A-18, and they might have, but it's SOP for our Military to Deny the Enemy any Success, and so claiming it was "Friendly Fire" might just be a Cover Story...

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When the mighty US Navy struggles to contain a "third world basket case", it portends shades of impending doom to both our power and influence in the world. Particularly while the Yemenis appear to be championing the deplorable genocide and ethnic cleansing of Palestine by one of the most despicable regimes in modern history. Americans need to be shaken out of their stupor.

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So they'll shoot down their own planes which they ought to be able to identify and avoid shooting, but they won't disable or shoot down drones harassing military bases, cities, and citizens in the US. They're basically advertising that they do whatever the hell they want. Here is the Fifth Column Entity that I warned about through multiple venues and in person for over a decade, showing what happens when it goes too long unchecked, when it reaches breakaway status, or thinks that it does.

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Unreal, wow.

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