The TransAtlantic central banking system is bankrupt! Hopelessly bankrupt. It cannot be reformed. It cannot be bailed out, digital or otherwise. The commercial banking system can be saved only if it is put through a Glass-Steagall bankruptcy reorganization. Without it, forget digital currencies or any of the utopian ideas being adopted. Derivatives must be canceled under Glass-Steagall reorganization. This must occur before the failure of the 2+ quadrillion derivatives bubble sets off a reverse leverage collapse, taking down every nation tied to it. The first of four emergency measures, Glass-Steagall regulation will restore prudency to the commercial banking system. Credit, National Bank, government-directed credit aimed at financing long term infrastructure projects, and crash fusion program, represent the way out of disaster and doom. And the beginning of a real recovery. These were the wise words presented repeatedly by American economist and Statesman, Lyndon H LaRouche.

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Former Alabama Governor and presidential candidate, George Wallace said it best.

“In the final analysis, one must conclude that there’s not a dime’s worth of difference between the Republicans or the Democrats.”

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