Until and unless governments decharter their central banks and return to nationalist policies of credit and banking, there is no solution. The time will come when central bank printing presses cannot keep up with the runaway inflation and currency devaluation. The nation’s of the Trans-Atlantic region and governments in particular, have little time remaining before they have to decide between Glass-Steagall orderly bankruptcy reorganization OR face the fallout of disintegration of the 2 quadrillion derivatives bubble that drives the collapse in the first place. In other words government leaders are going to have to start pointing to the elephant in the middle of the room that nobody in government dares talk about for fear of not getting re-elected. But if elected officials do nothing or what they have been doing, kicking the crisis down the road, they risk more than not being re-elected. Life as they have known it is about to change, for better or for worse.

A Glass-Steagall bill, HR 2714, is before the House. It needs to be passed asap. Call your Congressman and demand they cosponsor the.bill and get other legislators to cosponsor it too until it is voted into law. If we do that the US will have a chance to survive. Failing that, the American people will be hit with something even worse than a second Great depression. Economic breakdown in which nothing gets produced and no one gets paid. The food on the shelves of our grocery stores will disappearas food riots take over after the delivery system grinds to a halt. The companies that provide Power and water will stop delivery. because they can’t get paid. The dollar will be worthless tender. People will turn to Bartering to survive. Chaos will reign as the Fed desperately tries to bailout the banks in order to save the hopelessly bankrupt floating exchange rate system. To prevent it, educate yourself on the Glass-Steagall alternative and the Four Laws Lyndon LaRouche said were necessary for economic recovery in a time of crisis.

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Every Nation has the power to issue their own currency.

With one simple act of Law this could be reinstated and all debts cancelled.

Rip it up.... Tear it up... Start again...


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Returning to national currencies is occurring among the BRICS. China and Russia are working on the details of a new reserve currency that will be based on a basket of commodities. Long term Credit is also being lent to the former colonies of Africa and Asia at low rates. Completely opposite of IMF conditionalities. The which has caused rioting in Kenya recently. Italy and Ireland for instance are on the cusp of breaking from the EU and joining the BRICS. Italy was a member of the BRICS but its government caved in to pressure. Western governments, in order to survive, will have to break from the dying floating exchange rate Dollar system. Or continue to go along with NATO’s rearming plans for war with Russia and China, which will only speed up the demise of Europe that much quicker through provoking a nuclear war. We quickly approaching the point of no return. If governments are going to buck Washington they should do it now. Russia needs to see resistance in the West to what NATO and its Proxy is doing It will give them hope that the situation in Western Europe and US can be turned around.

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The EU is a dictatorship… as is the IMF.

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The City of London and Wall Street is the current seat of financial power which must be overthrown with Glass-Steagall. GS will cancel derivatives thereby cleaning up the commercial banking system by canceling worthless derivatives bets. GS will also reestablish two-tier banking it was intended to do when it was legislated into law in 1933 led by Senators Glass and Steagall, from which it gets its name. GS will also create a firewall separating Investment banks from commercial banks. It will remove derivatives from FDIC-insured deposits.

We must also force Congress to repeal and replace the HMO Act that gave us a profit-based insurance-driven healthcare system, with the Hill-Burton Patient-driven Health Care system we had before 1973. HB was based on the military system of providing a ratio of beds to the number of troops on military bases. For instance, for every 10 people in a county there will be 1 bed. That ratio will increase or decrease based on the population density of each county in the country. The more people the more beds necessary to provide hospital care. The rising price structure today is driven by insurance companies which are profit based. Insurance companies have overhead costs of upwards of 30% with executive pay in the millions of dollars. This is making adequate and affordable healthcare unavailable and unaffordable. The community healthcare system I'm addressing was created for Chicago in the post war period by Senators Hill and Burton. They looked at what the military was doing and decided to replicate it with modifications to meet the needs of rural America as well as heavily populated cities. We need to return to Hill-Burton or something like it in order to meet the growing healthcare needs of Americans.

I ran for Congress in Denver, CO in 1994. I raised the issue of replacing the FEDERAl RESERVE (private bank) and the HMO Act with alternatives that would improve the conditions of life in America. I called for re-industrializing the US and reopening the mines for mining minerals and raw materials. I called for building 500 nuclear power plants across the nation. I presented a water restoration plan engineered by Parsons Engineering Co in California called NAWAPA, for NORTH AMERICAN WATER AND POWER ALLIANCE. Parsons presented NAWAPA to the public in 1964 but it was never acted on. It calls for pumping water runoff in Alaska down to the lower 48 instead of letting it flow into the Arctic Ocean. Millions of acre feet of water would flow down through the Rocky Mountain Trench, thus recharging the Ogallala aquifer and Colorado and Arkansas river basins that feed into the Bolder Dam. Filling Lakes Palmer and Meade as well as supplying fresh water to the arid dry Southwest and California's Imperial Valley. The farmers in the Imperial Valley were just told by governor Newsom that they would have to do with less water from the Colorado River. 80% of their water comes from the Colorado River. But the level of water in the river is shrinking due to increased population which requires higher draw downs before the water gets to California.

GLASS-STEAGALL, NAWAPA and HILL-BURTON Hill-Burton are needed now more than ever.

Although I'm not a candidate for office, I campaign for these things through my associations with political organizations such as the Schiller Institute and The LaRouche Organization. TLO is headquarted in NY City and the Schiller Institute is based in Wiesbaden, Germany under the chairmanship of Helga Zepp-LaRouche, the wife of the late American Statesman and economist, Lyndon H LaRouche.

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Politicians are hot air balloons... no disrespect...

Inventors are the real power that shape Humanities Destiny.

Want to help to change the world?

Help me realize my dream and free Humanity from this scum.


Elon Musk Bill Gates... they are farts.

I have patents that I can't make because the powers that wanna be ruined me.

Writing costs nothing... and I write to expose the scum.

Give me a few good people and I change the world.

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Fraud vitiates the most solemn, contracts, documents, judgments & negotiable instruments.

FRNS are evidence of fraud, deceit, criminal activity, collusion, conspiracy, over reaching, et al.

Anyone that fails to uphold their Oath of Office is subject to immediate termination...

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