On the show coast to coast.There was a guy a couple weeks ago that had an AI computer.He says it's never wrong.He says trump will win and the democrats will not accept it

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You're exactly right. Whichever way it goes, buckle up for a very bumpy (and likely very violent) ride...

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The US physical economy does not respond to financial stimulus on Wall Street, otherwise known as QE. Regardless of what Powell does, he can't save the TransAtlantic monetary and related financial systems. The end of the floating exchange rate system is near. The Fed can only prolong the inevitable, but at what price? As the Fed monetizes debt via printing more dollars, hyperinflation looms like the sword of Damocles, on a level that will surpass the great hyperinflation in the Weimar Republic 1923. What is needed is to bring back Glass-Steagall two-tier banking following bankruptcy reorganization of the commercial banking system. FDR was right to do it in 1933, and it must be done again in 2024. Or else Doom awaits in the form of economic breakdown and all that it entails.

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