I’m spending the savings from the generation that came before me.

And that’s not enough.

So I’m spending all the borrowed money from the generation after me that they’ll have to pay back.

I call it The American Dream.

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Prepare for the Jews to pull the plug on their ponzy scheme.

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Like King Knute, Central Bankers are attempting to hold back their sea of debt they have accumulated, from washing away their assets in one gigantic disintegration of the transAtlantic floating exchange rate system. And while physical laws of the universe win again, nations will lose. The way it is about to unfold was foretold by American System economist Lyndon LaRouche. LaRouche’s Triple Cure Function explains in detail why monetary emission will be unable to catch up with the need to print more currency to satisfy the level of financial transaction in derivatives. That bubble is 2 quadrillion in annual turnover. The resulting effect will be the systemic disintegration of the transAtlantic financial system. The John Law South Sea bubble and Holland Tulip bubble are examples. Another more recent example is the 1923 collapse of Weimar, Germany when the Weimar government printing presses was printing 2 billion Reichsmark notes. And Germans were using wheel barrows to carry enough Reichsmark notes to buy a loaf of bread!

Central banking uses the Rothschild principle of government indebtedness. Central banks lend to governments but dictate the use of monetary emission for the benefit of speculation by investment banks. The Weimar experience will soon visit Americans unless Glass-Steagall is restored and a credit system for lending to production of physical goods is created

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