More fear.

Start offering ways and organizations to stop the madness.

It's either too easy stop it all or certain folks make money off of fear.

Keep telling your associates about the one world global cabal that thinks of humans as cattle or eaters.

Now go so some good and God bless!

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IMF? World Bank? BIS? All three are supranational. The UNO is a supranational organization. They have no jurisdiction in the United States. For any of these things he mentions to occur they must be made into law through Congressional legislation. Americans have put up with a lot since Nov. 1963. Assassinations. Unjust wars. Deindustrialization. Bank bailouts. Societal deconstruction. Rock, drugs, sex counter culture, etc. But will the majority of American, tolerate the imposition of utilitarian methods that dehumanize the image of Man? If they do, it is because they have lost the moral fitness to survive.

What is needed is a second Golden Renaissance. A Renaissance in science and of ideas is needed that reflects the creativity of the mind and the moral divineness of the soul. Anything short of that and digital man is just around the corner. You choose.

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