Israel actually asked Putin to promise not to kill Zelensky, and Putin agreed, yet Zelensky has slaughtered scores of thousands of Russian Gentile soldiers, yet Chabad Lubavitcher red thread-wearing Putin promises to save the Jew Zelensky (a fellow Jew of Putin's actually, if truth be known) so that Zelensky can go on murdering scores of thousands of Russian soldiers, and even go on murdering Russian-speaking Gentile Ukrainians in the Donbass region, while the chosen accumulate vast sums of money as war organizers and profiteers, and Putin and Zelensky are both Chabad Lubavitcher devotees, as evidenced by Putin's constant pro-Jewish fanaticism, a ridiculous situation when the Talmud and Noahide Laws of the Jews state that all Christians are to be killed as idolators, his making holocaust denial an imprisonable criminal offence in Russia, and his absolute obsession witrh opposing 'Nazism', when the Bolsheviks were Jewish and took over Russia and murdered 66 million Christians, so 'Mother Russia' that these fanatically pro-Jewish criminals now say they 'defend' is not their Russia at all, they have stolen it with their chosen tribe, both Putin and Zelensky are WEF alumni as well.

The late Chief Chabad Lubavitcher Rabbi Menachem Schneerson issued instructions years ago that Russian and Ukrainian Slavs must be made to kill each other in an arranged war to clear the land in Ukraine for a Bigger Israel to be created there so that millions of Jews from Israel can move in there. And hey presto, a 'war' there suddenly erupts and one in Gaza as well, what a cohencidence, and Zelensky says he wants to create a Bigger Israel in Ukraine.

Rabbis in several videos made by Harry Voxx and others show rabbis saying how all whites in Europe and anywhere else like in the US are all to be killed as members of the Second Rome, as they are all classed as Amalekites, enemies of tne Jews. This is why Jews arranged WWI and WWII as a convenient means to suicide as many whites as they could on both sides back then while of course making out the Jews were the real victims with their constant 'never forget' jingle on the television every single day on several channels.

And not only that, the Zohar states every last Gentile in the entire world is to be killed, and one rabbi celebrates this and says "No survivors!" and that even the memory of all Gentiles is to be wiped out from the collective consciousness of the Jews after all Gentiles have been exterminated. This is what the WEF is really a front for, and clever Jewish propagandists call Klaus Schwab a 'Nazi' of course, when his mother was really Jewish and he keeps a bust of Lenin in his office, Lenin stated around a century ago that it is quite acceptable for 9 out of every 10 people in the world to be killed to make the communist revolution successful, and Schwab has gone even more mental, he is proposing to get rid of 15 out of every 16 people in the world now.

That is why actually Jewish political control in Russia and America and England and Ukraine is deliberately arranging a mass suicide of the Gentiles in an arranged WWIII.

Who really needs a war over which particular Chabad Lubavitcher devotee plants a flag in Ukraine?

The Chabad Lubavitchers have already openly stated in a video speech that they totally control all political and economic affairs not only in Russia but in Ukraine as well, and another rabbi in a video says the Jews totally control things in the US as well and basically everywhere else in the entire world as well, so no wonder all these nutcases in power are sheep-herding bewildered child-like populations into an actually totally arranged and totally unneccessary war against each other Isaiah 19:2 style, it is what these Mossad-types do best, to wage war by means of deception to get everyone they want killed to simply kill each other for them.

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Something looms behind the clouds! Soon the Apocalypse! They will try to head it off with their ongoing "Operation Migration Flow" and all its attendant sub-operations meant to continue their American Kalergi Plan in parallel with Barbara Specter's European "throes of transformation"! Soon the Banners of Vengeance will beautifully and proudly slam into the world!

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