Lyndon LaRouche identified the government rot Judge Napolitano describes, as a “permanent bureaucracy” of career bureaucrats. Over the past 6 decades this same slime mold has accrue like a slime mold throughout government institutions. They shape policy that enhances their grip on power.
Two of my favorite truth speakers...
The problem with politics is simple...
CFR IMF Atlantic Bridge WEF Club of Rome Friends of Israel and the many "Educational" progromy by the Jews to escalate the world into WW3.
Politics now is just another branch of Jewish Fascism.
Anti Semitism is a Human Right
Zionism is Fascism... Nazism of Jewish Supremacy
The Government must Fall.
Citizen Uprising: Lock Down all Politicians
Citizen House Arrest all Politicians on presumption of Treason and Corruption
Lyndon LaRouche identified the government rot Judge Napolitano describes, as a “permanent bureaucracy” of career bureaucrats. Over the past 6 decades this same slime mold has accrue like a slime mold throughout government institutions. They shape policy that enhances their grip on power.
yes, it does we have too much interferences in our daily from states bureaucracy