It is because of systematic corruption that there is no natural family or individual rights of autonomy can or will be recognized by controlling totalitarian corporate interest. How do the "Medical Professionals" experiment on other peoples children. You begin by accusing the parents of neglect and child abuse, boot strap that accusation into multiple felonies and misdemeanors to capture and cage (neutralize) any and all opposing narratives. Hold the whole family for months of coercive detention without any recourse but to acquiesce to the stipulations of the original hostage takers whose acts and actions are sanctioned under "color of law" irregardless of how much bad faith is demonstrated on the hostage taking/extortionist side. Openly and overtly practicing slavery (in modern parlance "Human Trafficking") , and racketeering while pretending to be doing a "Public Service". What good would a phone call do for Neo, if he could not speak? What good can States who arrogate to themselves all the plenipotentiary power of government to make extra judicial decisions on other peoples lives (like bureaucrats making back room deals in ex parte meetings minus the natural parents) and ensuring that their narrative no matter how absurd, libelous and slanderous is considered "the truth", while omitting the very real cancellation of all rights, Constitutional or otherwise? What better place for monsters to hide in plain sight than within the ranks of government?

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Those that give up freedom for safety and security do not deserve safety and security. Paraphrased from Ben Franklin.

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Napolitano seems… Jewish somehow.

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January 25, 2025

_______ ________ , Governor of _____

Office of the Governor

123 East Locust Street, 3rd Floor

Capitol City, State _____

Esteemed Governor __________,

Greetings and Salutations !

I and my grandchildren are losing an uphill battle against some of the policies and technology in use by the elementary schools in this State.

These are factually egregious matters, and I ask you to personally intervene:

1. Somehow, effectively prohibit the elementary school "teachers" from rewarding the students with *Skittles* and other similar chemical candies for "good behavior". These industrial concoctions can and do have deleterious effects on the metabolism of very young children.

2. Have water heaters installed at the wash basins in the class rooms for use by the children. At present the basins supply only cold water, and during the winter this produces an aversion to hand washing. And subsequently the children are unable to remove the "anti-bacterial" lotions and soap provided by the school district. The accumulation of "these anti-biotics" on the hands of babies leads to a breakdown in the function of the dermas which leads to other more complicated problems.

3. Prohibit the teachers from expressing their personal opinions in the class room regarding matters political. They should also be prohibited from talking about their personal challenges with sexual and gender identity. In place of that they could substitute: reading, writing and arithmetic.

Sincerely and respectfully,

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How many Americans truly understand that the government & constitution do not give us our rights? That the constitution protects our natural rights as a human being from being abridged. Probably don't even teach that in school anymore.

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