It's time for a neoCON warmonger stooge named Zelenskyy to get the same treatment Ngô Đình Diệm, the president of South Vietnam, got in 1963.

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Or NATO troops and U,S army going on strike due to poor pay from .economic disaster which I suppose also will not happen. Also U,N Ukrainian peace keepers and UNODOC

Another option is fir F,B.I. to investigate corporate crime syndicate which is powered by the logic if money and so end things as that logic powers war, you though think F,B.I, will not abd sales tax directed to training new F,B,I. UNODOC which can be donated through IRS app is not do easy to coordinate.

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Thank God (or Allah) that Turkey has had the guts to stand up to the US warmongers and vote against Sweden and Finland joining NATO. I hope they don't back down to the neocons' threats .

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