Everyone on planet Earth should know and realize.....there is no war in Russian and Ukraine.....Russia has the biggest military on planet Earth, Ukraine how no Military whatsoever and no troops whatsoever......there is no war in Russian and Ukraine......Just as their is no pandemic, no Covid-19, no landing on the moon, etc......If everyone wants to believe the Jewish owned Media world wide that is of course their right to do so and their problem......

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The god of the Jews......Lucifer.....support and loves war.....he loves lies....he loves to murder and destroy....he loves suffering and misery, he loves hate and envy....he loves perversion of every kind. He loves murderers, liars, manipulators, those who are envious, and jealous, and hateful, and lovers of them own selves.....Keep in mind now.....contrary to popular belief....most all people on planet Earth love the same.....and they lie and love lies, and they hate and reject all truth.....This is the lesson of world history and the Bible......God's Elect are few and far between.....maybe only one person out of a million people.....this is how special God's Elect are.....and how messed up everyone else is......

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