Another DEI accompishment

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DEI is a shocking failure. Whose hare brained idea to conjure up this mumbo jumbo calamity of all sorts of incompetents to get top jobs.

I believe in appointing people for their skill, professionalism, and merit but most importantly being the right person for the job. Banish DEI to the annals of the abyss, never to be resurrected.

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You misspelled DEW

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Isn't that a Maui term? Oh wait paradise California tasted it first.

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Exactly- It should be about Merit Not Skin color! Disgraceful!!

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Why would anybody in California cut the budget to the fire departments? You got to be kidding me. Somebody is setting those fires.

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Karen Bass defunded the fire department 17 million dollars to give that money to her reracializing programs!

She’s speechless now!!

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Yeah, those somebodies are illegals that have no money or place to go. Gee who didn’t see this coming? 🤦🏼

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Why was she in Ghana? Was that also on fire?

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Back to da roots!

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I hope the silver lining in this tragedy horror show is that the homes of her supporters burned down and they’ll be too busy and broke rebuilding to be of interest to the next DEI triumph chasing money and supporters. Karma can be a real bitch.

That won’t be of much comfort to the innocent, though. Or all the animals -especially the wildlife- who have been displaced with no homes to return to 😢

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Karen Bass should be severely punished!

Taking 17 million away by de funding the fire department just for reracializing programs!

Disgraceful! DEI is just keeping the Negro on the Plantation! What a crying shame this is!!

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'The biggest mistake the White Man made was to give the black man the idea that we are equal.' -Dr. Albert Sweitzer.

In case you don't know who he was, Dr. Albert was a German physician who wasted 30 years of his professional life ministering to negroes in Negroland.

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What do you expect?

The direct result of giving someone a job who didn't earn it and can't do it.

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Gerald Celente, Scott Ritter, Douglas MaGregor, Ray MaGovern, Larry Johnson, Gilbert Doctorow, Judge Nepolitano, P.C. Roberts among many others know exactly what's happening to the debauched hegemon and their voices are raised against the cacophany of ignorance and hubris amplified by the media presstitutes and inherent stupidity of the bovine herd, yet nothing changes. It worsens by the hour! The populous of $lumville is nothing more than tax cattle for their owners and the entire world knows that the gang with the big noses and the tiny hats own Rancho Goyim. Now get ready for the Orange Polyp, "father of the vaxxine", and the Pentacon "Operation Warpspeed" to make the demonic filth in Israhell grate again. Rump Ukraine is burned crispy, Slavelandia is bankrupt in every sense of the word so obviously what the chosenite turds in the Washing town sewer need is the long overdue conflagration against Iran to keep the beast in Tel Aviv gorging on more blood and gore. If USSANS imagine that anything is going to get better with Orange then they are about to learn the next hard lesson of empire collapse. The days of the exorbitant privilege and its free lunch and Pentacon Protection $cams are truly over. Enjoy the future, you certainly have it coming.

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Hear, hear.

Well written and eloquent. Albeit your words are your own marvelous construction I commend you to say, I wish I had written that.

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The is one group (will remain nameless) that is always behind all of the evil.

Can anyone guess which?

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Might you be referring to the international clique of chicken swinging wall humpers perchance?

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Lawmakers are Law Breakers

... and why Anarchy is the only Solution



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“The rumor is a lot of California insurance companies dropped fire protection in the last 6 months - what a coincidence.”


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DEI in action with narcissistic racism added

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Likely intentionally got her out of the way to pull off this "build back better" operation. Remember LA is set to be a "smart city" before the Olympics in a few years.

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Like you’re speaking to a dog. They give you a blank stare back as they tilt their head one way then the other.

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Mayor Basstard

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You'll missing the key ingredient here... The people "sheep" vote these clowns in...you deserve all you get. Keep voting for the right thing...

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Not painful, it’s revealing.

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She'll be saying something when she is taken to gitmo.

Like, biden said I am immune from prosecution.

I was only following ze orderz.

You will all eat zee bugs 🐛 😋

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