Hitler was right, Jews are subhuman monsters.

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At 88, it’s taken me several decades and many Bible passages to understand:

.The Talmud is their directive discourse

.. Hebrews are NOT Christians

… Anyone not of their Hebrew faith are lower than animals

…. Deception is their mantra…

And much more. The diplomatic ho’s in Congress are corrupt, psychopathic ho’s. Simple as that

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They control banks, Fed Reserve, msm, hollyweird, LV, $$$, they will not disappear any time soon. I fear for my grandkids and Fam, who are sucked into the narrative .

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of course its about land theft. it always was. the lies about palestinians attacking the invaders from eastern europe is well known.

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God appears to be telling Jews to get the hell out of Palestine, and many are getting the message.

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if therewas a god,which obviously there is not,the genocide would have never begun.

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No, The Nazi Dictatorship “Israel” will disappear

from the face of the Earth in a few weeks when

Russia makes Bible Prophecy come true with


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It's the settlers who need to disappear

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It's time for the world to do unto the Zionists what the Zionists have done unto the Palestinians.

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Those today calling themselves Palestinians are NOT Palestinians! The word Palestine (referencing Palestinians) is a Latinized derivation of the word Philistine (which has derivations in Greek, ancient Egyptian and Hebrew) which refers to the ancient biblical seafaring Greeks (of Goliath and Delilah fame) who during biblical times occupied the south west area bordering the Mediterranean now called Gaza! These Greek Philistines, while never defeating the Jewish state and NEVER establishing a Philistine nation-state on conquered Jewish territory, were nevertheless one of the fiercest enemies of the Jews! King David finally defeated the Philistines in c1000BC ending their power as a unified people, with their culture and even language vanishing from history!

In 722-721BC the northern Jewish kingdom Israel was conquered by Assyria and scattered. In 63 AD the Roman General Pompey conquered Jerusalem, making The southern kingdom of Judea a vassal province of the Roman empire. The Roman emperor Hadrian in 135AD after putting down The last of many revolts renamed the Jewish land Palestine after their historical arch enemy the Greek Philistines as an insult to the Jews designed to humiliate and strip them from any future identity to the land! After the fall of the Roman empire, the land of Judea to be habitually called Palestine remained desolate, occupied by remaining Jewish settlements and scattered indigenous Arab (Ishmaelite) bedouins, with the land coming under the administrative rule of many succeeding empires, including the Arab Muslims, Ottoman Turks, and the British. After World War 2 in 1948, Israel became an internationally recognized nation-state after fighting and winning a war against five Arab-Muslim countries known as the Arab-Israeli war of 1948! Since throughout human history, in war, you keep what you win, Israel’s victory further legitimized their existence! After this war, the Muslim Arabs refused to live with the Jews in the reestablished state of Israel! These Muslim Arabs migrated to and was taken in by Muslim Jordan where they fomented revolutionary strife! After attempting to overthrow the king of Jordan, these Muslim Arabs were kicked out with many returning to Israel, falsely claiming to be descendants of the original biblical Philistines (who were Greek and have not historically existed for 2000 years) attaching themselves to the organization called the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization). These Muslim Arabs then falsely identified themselves as the original biblical Palestinians, demanding that the Jews be driven off the land of Palestine which they falsely claim has always belonged to them! Ahmad Shukeiri, a Muslim born in Lebanon, was the founder and First Chairman of the PLO, and was Turkish (mother) and Arab (father) by birth, NOT PALESTINIAN!!!!!!! THE ORIGINAL BIBLICAL GREEK PHILISTINES FROM WHICH COMES THE WORDS PALESTINE AND PALESTINIAN WORSHIPPED AN IDOL DIETY CALLED 
“DAGON”! THE MUSLIM ARABS TODAY FALSELY CLAIMING TO BE “PALESTINIANS” WORSHIP THE MOON-DIETY IDOL CALLED “ALLAH OF THE ARABIAN QURAYSH TRIBE!!! There NEVER HAS BEEN a Palestinian nation-state, and there are no Greek Palestinians today, just Jews, and Muslim Arabs who hate the Jews and want their land!

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The argument can also go the other way. Those today calling themselves Jews are NOT Jews. They had sex with other non-Jewish humans, kept on having it for thousands of years and now they are just like the rest of the Europeans as far as the European Jews are concerned.

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I think they will find that Jews will dissapear... from all societies... as a result of the Jewish Holocaust of the Palestinians.

Who needs Jews anyway... I don't do you?

The Jews show signs of madness... schizophrenia...and their actions in Gaza are reason enough to remove them from wherever they are.

Always remember... by the way of deception they wage war.


But by their actions they have lost the right to co exist with anyone.

Lets face it... jews cannot coexist in peace with anyone.

Alan Dershowitz says that anyone performing an "antisemitic act" should be sued, bankrupted and homeless


Mr. Derschowitz... your Mother was a whore and had sex with a limping Donkey... and you are the result.

People like you are the reason incest and bestiality is only allowed under Jewish Law... and prohibited everywhere else... because the result of having sex with a limping donkey are people like you... self obsessed Dicktators wannabes who hate their own incest breed stupidity.

I pity you as I pity the next cockroach.


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