Thanks to insane neoCON - zioCON warmongers, a nuclear war is closer than we realize, Why? The insane neoCON - zioCON warmongers want to be able to STUDY a nuclear war.

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its crazy that there is an effective narrative being portrayed & accepted by many americans that Russia would initiate a nuclear exchange.

just look at a map, a nuclear explosion in ukraine hurts russia:

1 - fall out would blow east...into russia

2 - if russia is trying to restore the glory of the USSR (anyone watch jeff bezos / amazon's latest installment of 'Jack Ryan' making a rogue group of russians the baddies?) - then detonating a nuke on the territory you re-gaining...makes it uninhabitable & unusable for agricultural purposes too

just a layman here trying to see through the fog of propaganda thanks to champions like Celente

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