There were plenty of sane voices explaining the Minsk agreements, even going back to the nineties. Paul Craig Roberts, General McGregor, Jeffrey Sachs, and most of the not MSM. Rumble folk all can see and hear President Putin's speeches and warnings. It's only the lying msm, and the current administration that's made up lies and narratives.

Biden, etc also, pushed Russia into other alliances. With the outrageous behavior of sanctions, cutting Nordstream gasoline, and the ridiculous actor in Ukraine.

It's a diabolical fraud foisted on the world. Do the neocons seriously think the world doesn't know?

How can Trump not know? At times I worry who's advising him. This "Trump is playing 3D chess" better be true.

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The number one threats to America right now, and I call them "national emergencies" and that is the American medical association or as I called it the Jewish medical extermination complex (5000 Americans are killed every day) and the bar (mitzvah) association. The two leading causes of death and theft in America. I know too many people who have been robbed of their inheritances, and are ending up homeless.

And nobody's calling them out except me. I could give a shit about Israel and Russia. And Russia should have blown them off the map years ago. I'm praying that Russia blows us off the map. You would think that Jews would be kinder and gentler to the Americans who went to serve on their behalf in world war II against Germany. That tells me the whole story and narrative is a lie. The Holocaust is a complete utter fabrication other than 180 German cities being fire bombed to death. Along with 2.5 million women from ages 8 to 80 were gang raped in front of their husbands and their little boys for 5 years after the war. Eisenhower did nothing to stop it that low life piece of shit jew.

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NATO is falling apart because they are led by lying Jews who Lie when they open their mouth... KOL NODRE.

The KOL NIDRE is an absolution to lie and the Jews lie Religiously.


Yet the Jews by their Reli9gion KOL NIDRE can't speak Truth even if they want to.


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Father of liars. Americans need to worry about stage 4 Jewish cancer in America. I think we're too distracted with foreign intrigue. Israel is not just the Middle East. They want the whole damn world

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Russia is not Putin, like US and Europe is a partial democracy, so the men in charge must follow advises from behind, like in the rest of Europe, where Freemasons rule is a theatrical fact.

So Russia, is just defending people on both side from the madness of nazi style ukre bombing civilians since 2014, anyone would have done that. So please do not look like dumb monkey and shut up.

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Trump doesn't know how to play chess.

He plays clubby checkers with billionaire fat cats.

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I think Trump is trans neutral. He used to be a woman. Melania is definitely a guy. Jared kushner was registered as a woman on his voting card for 8 years. Apparently it wasn't the only thing he registered as a woman.

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