Putin is the World Leader that determines many things He knows world history How things are done Accomplished U$@, Inc Military Industrial Intelligence Complex ongoing perpetual Wars Conflicts around the World Trump did not stop the Profit Laudering Machine that is Broke Now a Broken Country Will the Don do anything differently this time or not Put an end to the Bloodshed and bring World PEACE We PAY GOD will be with those that do something to the STOP Genocide PEACE Please
Putin is the World Leader that determines many things He knows world history How things are done Accomplished U$@, Inc Military Industrial Intelligence Complex ongoing perpetual Wars Conflicts around the World Trump did not stop the Profit Laudering Machine that is Broke Now a Broken Country Will the Don do anything differently this time or not Put an end to the Bloodshed and bring World PEACE We PAY GOD will be with those that do something to the STOP Genocide PEACE Please
no, quite so