As if it weren't spelled out that this was his intention even as far back as his first run for office, but really, this is a surprise? There you all are, waiting for the miracle, the twilight zone between reality and fantasy, rather than admit to yourselves that the government, and most of those around you, and you yourselves, are ZOG zombies.

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America First in Genocide

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All those kids in Gaza that are torn and shredded to bits by Israeli bombs doesn't ring a bell for Herr Trump? All those people freezing to death doesn't awaken his "humane" side? I voted for Trump but his subservience to Israel does not make sense other than he, like many others, is being BLACKMAILED! He already has blood on his hands by not considering the Palestinian side in all this! Consider, as an example, a woman imprisoned and raped repeatedly by her captors. Is she a "terrorist" when she finally has an opportunity to strike back at her rapists? The world has treated Palestinians and ANYONE who fights back against Israel/USA as "terrorists" all these years and THAT is the root cause of the present situation!

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trump has been guilty for years of treason.

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"...70% of the tunnels remain intact..."

I really wonder where Scott gets these numbers from. He has also been saying for YEARS that the Ukrainian army would collapse 'in a few weeks or months.' 🤡

I can't take this guy serious anymore, just like 90% of the guests on Judge Napolitano's show.

Here is another fantasist: Douglas Macgregor in March 2022 (yes, in 2022 a few weeks after the conflict started!) saying "another 10 days and this should be completely over!" https://youtu.be/RHxZyPdo3L0 (fast forward to the 2min15sec mark. Why does this guy continue to get speaker fees? 😃 Why is nobody holding his feet to the fire for continuously making WRONG predictions? Is he just another CIA puppet spreading misinformation on CIA puppet (Fox News host! 😉) Judge Napolitano's show?

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Up your game. MacGregor admitted that his predictions were based on how Russia (USSR) has historically approached conflicts rather than the risk averse approach they took. As both MacGregor and Ritter have said, WWII was basically lost by August of 1944, but the fiercest fighting and most of the Western Front deaths took place after that. Ukraine is on that trajectory. There is no way they can or ever could have won this war, the NATO wet dream.

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So Macgregor bases his predictions on outdated USSR military tactics, and then uses this as an excuse for the failure of those predictions? 😂

p.s. here you can “up your game” because in the article (jump to part 2) I linked below, I listed a whole bunch of failed predictions…BECAUSE HE KEEPS ON MAKING THEM! 😂 🤡

Here is a quote from my article, I backed everything up with links and time stamps:

“And it wasn’t just that ‘one instance’ where he was completely wrong. On April 16th 2024 (200 days ago!) he said on Judge Napolitano’s show at the 2m15s mark “…I think within the next 45 days or so, we’re gonna see them in command of Kharkov, and virtually everything that is east of the Dnepr River….” 

And here is Scott Ritter on the 9th August 2023 (14 months or 451 days ago) at the 20m08s mark: "...Ukraine is on the verge of collapse..."

Another Doug Macgegor classic, this time on the Stephen Gardner Show on September 1st 2023 (14 months or 428 days ago) “Ukraine Is Being Annihilated.”

Here’s Douglas Macgregor once again on January 31st 2023 (91 weeks, 651 days ago) at 8m45s he says: “…the Russians are winning, Ukrainian is crumbling, Ukraine is on the verge of collapse, we’re gonna watch that happen over the next several weeks…” 

One last one, here’s Douglas Macgregor predicting “…the Russians will then take the opportunity to attack and they’ll end up doing it without ending up stuck in the mud, that means probably after the ground freezes that is likely to freeze towards the end of October beginning of November. I would see this coming to some sort of closure militarily at that time…the Ukrainians are nearing the end of the rope…” on September 29th 2022 (25 months, or 765 days ago) at the 19m15s mark.

I could go on and on, but I think you get the point by now… 😉”

The article: https://open.substack.com/pub/fulgurite4779/p/the-july-2024-rand-report-and-how

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I am familiar with all of what you quote. I could go back over several broadcasts and find statements made that put most of your chosen quotes in context. Nowhere do you mention his references to open source intel or his connections in other countries as being the basis of his comments. For example, satellite images of newly dug graves in Ukraine and Russia for assessing the numbers killed. As both Ritter and MacGregor have stated, they are captive to the intel to which they can access. I don't know what is really going on in Ukraine, because I'm not there, but I do know that Ukraine is not winning, and never had a chance of winning. By the way, I live in Western Canada which is full of "Ukrainians". I've heard their vitriol for Russians, because of the post WWI handover of Ukraine and the Holomodor, for about 65 years. Ukrainians were recruited to come here in the late 19th century because the land was similar. The wet springs and falls turn the open fields and ground into what is called gumbo locally. I've been stuck, getting out with difficulty, trying to cross harvested crop fields during those times.

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Mr. Donald Trump... you are a Fucking Liar

The Hypersonic Revolution was started by me and you fucking well know it.


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