❝We must be in a position to respond to every act of opposition by war with the neighbors of that country which dares to oppose us: but if these neighbors should also venture to stand collectively together against us, then we must offer resistance by a universal war.❞


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Apr 21, 2023·edited Apr 21, 2023

I don't understand why we in the West are determined to be Russia's enemy. The only logic I can see is the need for the military-industrial complex to have a bogie man. It's even been obvious for some time China would ultimately be the threat.

We helped build China up and we pushed Russia away.

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That is exactly what I've been thinking. China will be at war against the west, it's not avoidable. With Russia as an ally, China would have been easily contained. But on the other hand like it seems, China with Russia as an ally will easily take over the world. Energy was Chinas only problem but now when we pushed Russia away from us, they will have plenty. In that scenario we are the ones without enough energy or resources.

We just gave China the keys to make the western countries as vassals, or allies. There will be no hegemony in the west when every country will try to jump to the winners side. So basicly the west just fucked up big time, we are fucked. And it seems there is no way to change the direction. We will not survive without Russia. Europe just has not enough energy nor minerals nor production capacity agains China.

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I watched an interview with a guy, now retired, who had worked for the US government. He talked how knowledge was fed into China to help them industrialised and that this continued way past the point of it making sense. The initial idea was that China would democratise as a result. Well that was the "stated" idea. No doubt it was intended to provide financial and control benefits to the West, for some at least. Anyway, it seems like passing over all the West's best IP went too far. It nearly worked but in hindsight was a very high risk strategy that has failed. Of course I am assuming the strategy was designed to benefit all, which I am far from certain of!

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How Christine Lagarde, Hillary Clinton and Victoria Nuland Funded a Massive Ukrainian Ponzi Scheme . . .


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It's enough if you destroy the coastal cities. It's an island dependant on imports, idiot.

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Fuck you and your Jewish god . . . filthy fuckin' kike . . .

“Wherever you find the sowers of discord, the sowers of strife, wherever you find the sowers of the destruction of a civil society, there you will find the Jew, hard at work.” ― Henry Ford

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Expect Medvedev to be Putin's successor.

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Apr 26, 2023·edited Apr 27, 2023

West is fucked without Putin. There can not be a more calm and long minded president in the Russia. They will not see how wise and actually nice Putin was, untill it's too late.

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In the shadow of war: Ukraine as the great reset laboratory of the global tech elite . . .


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The great reset is allready happening, the great reset rides with Ukraine. The western economy won't hold when the energy went ten times more expensive and is still rising. They don't need a war to have the society collapsed, they only need to continue supporting Ukraine at a time when they would need every cent to survive. But there might be a war as a bonus and wipe out the majority of the population here in the west.

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