The war in Ukraine must end NOW.

Ukraine must accept defeat and the condition Russia presents.

NATO must retreat from any border state bordering Russia.

The war in Israel must end NOW.

All ties with Israel must be cut NOW.

All financial support with Israel must stop now.

All Governments must be audited and all Information made publicly available unredacted.

This includes all CIA Operations and all black budget Operations.

And of course the Epstein Client list in full.

All the secret Videos of Epstein & Epstein Island.

All the Videos confiscated in Washington DC on 9/11 2001.

All Military must stand down and return to port.

All Police and Military must stand down in support of we the people until all traitors are imprisoned and punished.

All Politicians should be under house arrest until this conflict is solved.https://fritzfreud.substack.com/p/open-letter-to-all-politicians-and

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Wow Fritz? Nobody can put together a better comprehensive list.

I would like to add to it:

Terminate the license of the Feds to print dollars.

Default on all the the “fake” loans, and interest to the Feds

Confiscate all the ill gained wealth of the Feds and their cronies.

Moneys are the the source of all evils? Trillions of moneys in the hands of evil mofos can create hell on earth.

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End the fed... Ron paul...

This is just a cut from the letter I wrote.

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Actually more than decade ago we (CIA) intitiated a color revolution in Georgia, and Putin went in to stop the bullshit. Putin was not interested in “taking” over Georgia then, just like he is not interested in taking over Kiev now. The evil mofos are unwilling to live in peace. They make billions on wars and miseries.

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